Regional Victorians urged not to be complacement about road trauma

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24 Oct 2013

The Transport Accident Commission is urging regional Victorians not to be complacent about road safety, despite a downward trend in the road toll.

As at midnight 23 October 2013, fatalities are down 19% compared to the same time last year.

But the TAC’s Chief Executive Officer Janet Dore said with 108 lives lost on regional Victorian roads this year, and 74 in Melbourne, it was important to remember there were 182 families grieving for a loved one.

Ms Dore said the TAC’s latest statistical summary, released today, showed that Victorians using regional roads in particular, needed to take care.

“The summary shows that in the 12 months to the end of September 2013, fatalities in Melbourne reduced by 16% compared to the previous year. But in regional Victoria, there has been a two per cent increase,” Ms Dore said.

The statistical summary also includes the latest injury data, up to the end of March 2013.

“Swan Hill, Mildura and Mitchell have seen an increase in claims involving more than 14 days hospitalisation,” Ms Dore said.

“Wodonga, Mitchell and East Gippsland have seen the biggest increase in claims involving an acute hospital admission.

The TAC is working with our Road Safety partners, the Government and the community to implement the ‘safe system’ approach: to have safer people in safer cars on safer roads at safer speeds.

The Safe System recognises that it's not one single action, but a range of initiatives that collectively address all aspects of the road network, that will reduce the road toll.

As we look towards Christmas, we remind all Victorians that reducing road trauma is a community effort. Nearly 200 families have lost loved ones on the road this year.

Let’s all make a commitment, for the sake of those families, to continue driving safely.

View the TAC’s latest statistical summary here:


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