On the road again - Vanessa prepares for a busy month ahead

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27 Feb 2014

The Transport Accident Commission's favourite festival goer 'Vanessa' is on the move again, with a full bill of music festivals coming up.

Vanessa's busy schedule ramps up this weekend, with appearances at Soundwave and the Apollo Bay Music Festival.

The distinctive orange double-storey bus gives revellers a chance to chill out and enjoy healthy activities, movies and games between watching their favourite acts. They can also grab a complimentary breath test and a coffee or water to make sure they're fit to drive before leaving the festivals.

TAC Chief Executive Officer Janet Dore said the Vanessa program was a great way to encourage young people to consider the risks associated with driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

"Music festivals are high risk events. Vanessa reaches out to young people in a friendly and relaxed way and this has an impact on their attitudes towards road safety," Ms Dore said.

The addition of Vanessa's mate Mini-V and the Vanessa Bute (a 5-star Ford Ranger) have boosted the program's capacity and it now features at 70 events a year.

The fleet is also heading to O-Weeks across the state, including Deakin University in Warrnambool and Burwood on March 3.

"At O-Week events across the state, the Vanessa fleet will be sharing the message through games, competitions and the ever-popular photo booth, at which more than 10,000 people have had their snaps taken at during the festival season," Ms Dore said.

Vanessa attends Victoria's largest music festivals including Falls Festival and the Big Day Out, conducting approximately 24,000 breath tests a year.

Vanessa will also be at the Golden Plains Music Festival on 8-10 March and the Chill Out Festival in Daylesford on 9 March.

Find out when Vanessa and her fleet are next in your area by visiting the Vanessa Facebook page.

You can see Vanessa in action on YouTube

For further information please contact the TAC's Emily Bogue on 5225 6450.


Pictured below: The Vanessa bus in full swing at a recent Big Day Out.

Vanessa at the Big Day out

Pictured below: Breath testing at the Vanessa bus makes sure you are safe to drive home.

breath testing at the Vanessa bus


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