Victorian business and community leaders to play role in reducing road trauma

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08 Apr 2014

Victorian business and community leaders will all play a part in the state’s efforts to stamp out road trauma.

An Australian-first event in Melbourne next month will enlist the support of the leaders of more than 100 of Victoria’s biggest and most influential organisations, in a bid to drastically reduce death and serious injury on Victorian roads.

The Towards Zero Symposium, on May 1, is modelled on a similar initiative in Sweden, which consistently has one of the world’s lowest road tolls.

TAC Chief Executive Officer Janet Dore said community leaders had an important role to play in reducing road trauma. 

“Right now we have the know-how and the technology to significantly reduce the 6,000 serious injuries we see each year,” Ms Dore said.

“Not that long ago having nobody killed or seriously injured on our roads seemed impossible, but now we know, that within our lifetime, we can achieve this. 

“In the countries with the lowest road tolls, such as Sweden, leadership symposiums are held regularly to help spread the road safety culture throughout the community,” Ms Dore said.

“The Towards Zero Symposium will show Victoria’s leaders that we have the same tools available as these countries to reduce road trauma; but we need help to put them into practice.

“We’ll meet international experts, hear Victorian success stories and give leading organisations the knowledge to start with their workplaces in reducing road trauma,” Ms Dore said. 

Those invited include Chief Executive Officers of all local governments across Victoria and heads of major corporate organisations.

The Towards Zero Symposium on May 1 and 2 is hosted by Victoria’s road safety partners: the TAC, Victoria Police, VicRoads and the Department of Justice and is coordinated by the TAC. 

Assistant Treasurer Gordon Rich-Phillips will officially host the Towards Zero Awards Dinner and present the inaugural Road Safety Awards, which will be attended by international and Victorian road safety experts.

The Awards will recognise the best work to address Safer Roads, Safer Speeds, Safer People and Safer Vehicles, as well as a Road Safety Media Award.

Working in closer partnership with the people of Victoria is a key goal of the Victorian Government’s Road Safety Strategy 2013-2022.To find out more, visit

For more information call the TAC’s Emily Bogue on 0429 416 778.


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