Short films driving road safety awareness

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Published date: 03 Mar 2025

Two winners’ short films have launched on the big screen in the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) Split Second Competition to educate young drivers of the importance of road safety.

Aspiring filmmakers and content creators aged between 18-30 had the chance to submit scripts for a short film, with a focus on the dangers of driving tired and not wearing a seatbelt.

Both winners each received a $5,000 cash prize and $35,000 production budget to create their films over the past three months.

The winning films premiered at Big Plans Melbourne, at an immersive event that showed the dangers of road accidents.
Winner Rhys Delios Callanan's film titled Fashionably Late highlights the dangers of driving tired and how a quick pit-stop nap can help reduce fatigue and ultimately decrease the chance of drivers falling asleep at the wheel.

Animation student and winner Olivia Hartanto’s short film is centred around Captain Buckle, a superhero who raises the importance of seatbelt usage through a witty and comedic story.

This was the first time in the competition’s history that two winners were crowned, with organisers introducing a multicultural category to garner fresh perspectives and celebrate the voices of more young Victorian creators.

The Split Second Competition empowers young people to be part of the solution as their peers continue to be overrepresented in road trauma statistics. Almost a quarter of young drivers between the ages of 18-29 were not wearing a seatbelt when they died.

Visit the Split Second Competition website here to see the winning films or for more information about the competition.

Quotes attributable to Transport Accident Commission CEO, Tracey Slatter:
"We're constantly looking for new, innovative ways to get the road safety message through.”
"It's inspiring to see the efforts of these two young creatives – it’s exciting to see those ideas come to life on the big screen.”

Quotes attributable to winner, Olivia Hartanto:
“After seeing this competition, I hope (my peers) will treat driving more seriously, as the consequences for being reckless behind the wheel are no joking matter.”
"In some countries like mine (Indonesia), the law does not require backseat passengers to wear a seatbelt. However, I have learned that wearing a seatbelt in the backseat is just as important as in the front.”

Quotes attributable to winner, Rhys Delios Callanan:
“My experience so far has been so surreal. It has been amazing to learn so much more about the advertising industry, the production process, road safety and to also have the chance to bring such an important message to my peers.”
“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned (about road safety) is not to wait until the signs appear as it could already be too late. If you feel tired, stop, take a nap, and be fashionably late.”


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