Child safety
Child safety and the TAC
The TAC is committed to being a child safe organisation, prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children and young people across TAC services and programs.
This page is for children, young people, their families, and the wider community who interact with the TAC. It explains how we help keep children and young people safe and what to do if you have any concerns about child safety and wellbeing.
Children and young people's right to safety
All children have rights, no matter who you are. This includes the right to be safe and feel safe and to have your say in decisions impacting you.
Being safe means you are free from abuse, harassment, discrimination or inappropriate behaviour. Feeling safe means you are comfortable in the places where you spend time and trust the adults around you.
You have a right to:
- be safe and feel safe wherever you are
- expect that the adults around you are keeping you safe
- be given information about how to raise a safety concern
- be listened to and for action to be taken if you have a safety concern.
Supporting children and young people
- Our policies tell our staff members how they should behave when they work with children and young people. They also outline what kind of behaviour is not okay.
- We have processes in place so TAC staff know what to do if they learn about a child safety problem. Our processes make sure we investigate and follow up any concerns.
- We spend time training and educating our teams so they know how to support child safety and wellbeing.
Our commitment to child safety
The TAC prioritises the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Children and young people of all backgrounds, identities and lived experiences have the right to be safe and feel safe in any environment. The TAC is committed to a culture that does not tolerate child abuse, neglect or exploitation and will work actively towards preventing it.
The TAC’s policies, practices, systems, and dedication to learning and development enables both the organisation and its representatives to fulfil this commitment. The TAC will take all concerns relating to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people seriously, and respond promptly, sensitively and in line with all legislative obligations.
The TAC acknowledges the importance of listening to, and engaging the views of children, young people and their families and the significant value they bring to the organisation.
This is an ongoing commitment underpinned by TAC’s approach to continuous improvement.
How to report child safety concerns
We encourage you to tell us about any concerns you have about child safety and wellbeing, including any harm or abuse related to TAC support and services.
For immediate concerns and to report abuse, harm or neglect, contact the police and/or Child Protection on 1300 655 795 (after hours 13 12 78)
To report a child safety concern related to the TAC:
- Use our online complaints and compliments form
- Email
- Call 1300 654 329 or 1800 332 556 - 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
To report a concern about a service provider the TAC pays for:
- Call 1800 931 233 - 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Your call can be anonymous. If you need to leave a message, we will contact you within one business day.
- Email We will reply within one business day.
Additional resources
Victoria's Commission for Children and Young People provides information in a number of languages. Access its Translated resources about the Child Safe Standards.