Reconciliation Action Plan

In November 2021, the TAC announced its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). An initiative of Reconciliation Australia, RAPs promote the principle and purpose of reconciliation in the workplace.

The TAC's RAP promotes greater awareness of indigenous history and the inequalities that still exist in society today by focusing on the theme Reflect and is part of our commitment to do better.

TAC's Reflect RAP artwork

Aboriginal and Torres Strait  Islanders please be aware the following message has images and words of a deceased person.

The artwork of Geelong local Indigenous artist Jurrawaa Stanley features in our Reconciliation Action Plan. Jurrawaa lived on Wadawurrung Country and was connected with the Kurnai/Wotjobaluk people of Victoria. His artwork, The Roads that Keep Us Connected was commissioned after an expressions of interest process. He explains the story of the artwork below.

"The background represents our beautiful land and waterways of Victoria. At the bottom left-hand corner, there is a roundabout. This represents the many directions we may take on our journeys.
More importantly, it represents the TAC target in the centre and the target number of zero surrounding the target. This sits at the start of the roads that keep us connected.
Traditionally, we followed our waterways, our rivers, creeks and streams much the same as we do our roads today. We had songlines to follow like a GPS and rules connected to them to keep us safe and to guide us on our journey.
The roads that travel around the canvas are not as they would be on a map. They represent to me the roads I like to follow when we go for our travels; Barwon Heads, Torquay, Great Ocean Rd, Mildura, Lakes Entrance, Hamilton to name a few.
The red circles/campfires represent all 38 tribes that belong to what we now call Victoria, some are bigger than others. The white dots surrounding the larger campfires represent the five-year average of lives lost on our roads (256).
Each campfire has 17 dots, but one has 18. The 18th dot is a personal one for me and makes the extra number to get 256."