TAC Service Charter

Our aim is to work with clients, providers and health professionals in a positive, honest and professional manner. We want to ensure clients receive reasonable and appropriate treatment and services for their accident-related injuries.

When making decisions about treatment and services the TAC can pay for, we must follow the Transport Accident Act 1986.

If we are unable to pay for a requested treatment, service or other item, we will clearly explain the reasons. We will also explain rights for review or appeal of this decision.

We expect clients to play an active role in their treatment and recovery. They can do this by:

  • Providing us with any relevant information that can help us to make decisions about their claim, such as pre-existing injuries and conditions
  • Participating in any treatment or return to work plans to the best of their ability
  • Keeping us informed of any relevant changes in circumstances such as changes to contact address or phone number.

The standard of service you can expect from the TAC

We understand that the time following an accident can be difficult. The TAC is committed to providing a smooth, efficient and helpful service, focusing on prompt assessment of entitlements, regular updates regarding decisions and fast resolution of questions or concerns.

When you contact the TAC seeking information or clarification on any aspect of a claim we aim to:

  • Answer telephone calls straight away and, if possible, resolve the issue
  • Respond to queries we are unable to resolve immediately by the close of business the next working day
  • Respond to written correspondence within 10 working days
  • Respond to written treatment and service requests from health professionals within 10 working days.

More complex issues can sometimes take longer to resolve. If a decision is likely to take longer than usual, we will keep you informed of progress and notify you in a timely manner.

We will treat all information about clients in strict confidence and ensure that their privacy is respected.

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