Income support


We know it can be a stressful time if you can't work because of your accident. We are here to help.

We can pay you loss of earnings benefits while you are unable to return to work due to your accident injuries. We call this benefit 'income support'.

Income support is a temporary benefit while you recover enough to return to work.

We follow legislation when we work out who is eligible for income support and how much we can pay.

You have an important role to play when you receive income support. You should keep in touch with your employer and talk to your doctor about your return to work.

Other types of income support

Loss of earnings capacity

If you continue to have a reduced capacity for work 18 months after your accident, you may be eligible to receive a loss of earning capacity benefit.

Safety net income benefit

We can pay a Safety net income benefit to a client:

  • who has returned to work after suffering a "severe injury" and has an impairment score of 50% or more, and
  • who is then terminated from their job, or can no longer remain self-employed after returning to work.

To talk about your eligibility for income support, please call us on 1300 654 329. We're available Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.30pm.

Centrelink information

Please note: You must notify Centrelink if you are receiving Centrelink benefits and TAC income support at the same time. This will help you avoid a Centrelink debt.

Check your eligibility for income support

To help us give you the right information, please tell us a few things about your income.


You work for an employer — either full time, part time or as a casual. You earn regular pay or salary.


You work for yourself. This could be as a sole trader, in a partnership or in a company or trust.


You are looking for work or on a pension (aged, disability etc).

On home duties

You run a home or care for others in unpaid work.


Choose this option if your situation isn’t covered.


This tool gives general information about your eligibility for income support. The answers given by this tool are not a TAC decision about your claim.