Alcohol and other drug services

We’re here to help you get your life back on track after your transport accident. To help you recover from your transport accident injuries we can pay for alcohol and other drug (AOD) services. We can pay for:

  • AOD assessment and AOD counselling; when provided by an approved drug and alcohol treatment service
  • non-residential withdrawal
  • residential withdrawal
  • therapeutic day rehabilitation
  • residential rehabilitation
  • pharmacotherapy

We can also help pay and refer for services that include AOD counselling, assessments and treatment by:

  • medical practitioners
  • psychologists
  • psychiatrists
  • nurse practitioners
  • addiction specialists
  • social workers

For more information on drug and alcohol dependence and addiction, see:

When you need to contact us for approval

Within the first 90 days of your accident, we can help pay for an initial drug and alcohol consultation without the need for you to contact us for approval first. You or your provider needs to contact the TAC for approval of AOD services if:

  • you intend to receive treatment beyond the initial assessment , or
  • It has been more than 6 months since you’ve had any treatment or service paid for by the TAC.

When we can pay for drug and alcohol services

We can pay for services contracted by state and Commonwealth government when it’s recommended by your doctor or other health professional.

Due to the limited sector regulation surrounding AOD services the TAC recommends these AOD service providers as they are contract managed by the respective government department ensuring high quality and safe treatment.

In some rare circumstances, it may not be possible to access a publically funded AOD provider. The TAC may consider paying for a private organisation on a case by case basis for a short period until an appropriate solution is found.

The TAC’s decision will be based on the principals of the TAC’s Clinical Framework following a treatment request.

We will contact your AOD provider to talk about your progress or ask for an updated assessment/report, to make sure that:

  • You have access to the appropriate treatment and support required for your transport accident injuries.
  • You are getting proven, evidence-based treatment and aren’t receiving treatment that isn’t helping you recover.
  • You are working towards the goals identified with your AOD provider and claims manager.

Treatments and services we can’t pay for

We cannot pay for:

  • Providers who do not meet the requirements set out in our AOD provider guidelines
  • services that are not clinically effective, reasonable or necessary
  • services for a condition or circumstance that existed before a transport accident or is not a direct result of a transport accident.

We can pay for additional services when they are recommended by your AOD provider and part of your approved treatment plan.

How treatments and services are paid for

We can pay for your treatment;

  • Directly to your provider, when you have given them your TAC claim number, or
  • If you have to pay, use myTAC to send a copy of your receipt to us and we will repay you.

We pay for your services in line with our responsibilities under the Transport Accident Act 1986.

How much we will pay

We can help pay for your treatment and services in line with state and commonwealth-contracted services fees. If your provider charges more than these rates you should contact the TAC prior to accessing the service, as you may need to pay the difference.

For providers

If you are a provider of Alcohol and drug services, please refer to the related Provider Guideline:

For more information

Access our policies for health and support services.

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