Expenses when attending medical/impairment examinations policy
Medical or impairment examinations obtained for medico-legal purposes, or to obtain a report which determines a client's entitlement to TAC benefits can be arranged:
- by the TAC
- jointly by the TAC and the person who is injured or their legal representative.
This policy is to be read in conjunction with the:
- Travel and Accommodation Expenses policy
- Independent Medical Examinations requested by the TAC only policy
- Joint Medical Examination policy
Can the TAC fund the reasonable travel expenses for a client attending a medical examination?
The TAC can pay for a client's reasonable travel expenses to attend a medical examination or impairment assessment that is used to assess a client's no-fault entitlements under the Act. This includes any examination arranged by the TAC, jointly or by the person who is injured or their legal representation.
Transport Accident Act 1986 reference: s.3 'medical service (a)', s.60(2)(a) and s.60(2F)
Can a client claim reasonable accommodation and meal expenses if he/she has to travel from a rural/regional area to the city to attend such examinations?
Where a client must travel from a rural/regional area to the city to attend a TAC arranged or jointly arranged examination the TAC will, at its discretion, pay accommodation and associated meal expenses when:
- The client has consecutive appointments over a number of days and it is unreasonable to expect the client to undertake extensive travel to attend those appointments
- Accommodation is required the night before the appointment so that they can attend the early morning appointment the following day, eg. at 9 am
- Having regard to the client's injuries, ie. Because the injury limits travel choices.
Transport Accident Act 1986 reference: s.13(1) and s.27(3)
What if the client requires a family member or other person to accompany them to a TAC or jointly arranged examination?
If a family member or other person is required to assist a client to attend a TAC or jointly arranged examination, the TAC can reimburse the reasonable travel, accommodation and associated meal expenses of that person.
What if the client requires an attendant carer to accompany him/her to a TAC or jointly arranged examination?
The TAC can fund an attendant carer to accompany a client to a TAC or jointly arranged examination, where the client normally uses attendant care. The TAC can also fund the attendant carer's expenses where the TAC approved the client's accommodation and related expenses and any additional hours above the client's normal attendant care program.
Are there any special requirements in relation to accommodation expenses?
The TAC must give prior approval of and reserves the right to choose the hotel/motel.
Hotels/motels can directly bill the TAC on appropriate tax invoices for accommodation costs at the subsidised government rates, once approval from the TAC has been obtained. This avoids the client paying up-front and allows the TAC to make direct payment.
The TAC requires the original receipts to verify the expenses.
What if a client needs to take a day or more off work or requires child minding to attend TAC arranged examinations, what other expenses are payable?
The TAC can reimburse/pay a client for lost wages and child minding expenses as a result of attending TAC arranged examinations.
The TAC will not pay lost wages to anyone who accompanies a TAC client to a TAC arranged examination including a parent, guardian or partner.
Non TAC arranged examinations
Apart from travel expenses, can the TAC reimburse any other expense in relation to a client attending a non TAC arranged or non-jointly arranged examination?
The TAC will not fund any other expense in relation to a client attending a non TAC arranged or non-jointly arranged examination including, but not limited to, the expense of accommodation, the loss of wages, the expense of child care and the transport of a family member or other person to accompany the client to the examination.