Family Planning Education


The TAC can fund the reasonable cost of family planning education services required as a result of transport accident injuries in order to re-educate TAC clients in matters of contraception and sexual decision making, where the service is performed by a Disability Educator employed by Sexual Health Victoria, or an educator employed by an interstate Family Planning office.

Transport Accident Act 1986 reference: s.3 'rehabilitation service', s.23and s.60

For Family Planning Education type services performed by other providers, refer to the following policies:


The TAC recognises that clients who sustain an acquired brain injury in a motor vehicle accident may suffer decreased sexual awareness, impulsiveness and/or an inability to express sexual needs, all of which could lead to inappropriate or inhibited sexual behaviour. These behaviours may put the client at risk of pregnancy, abuse or contracting sexually transmissible infections.

Family Planning organisations across Australia conduct education programs on issues of family planning for people with disabilities, which can assist TAC clients adjust to their impaired cognitive, communication, and behavioural functioning as the result of transport accident injury, and to encourage sound sexual decision making skills.

What family planning education services can the TAC fund?

The TAC can fund the reasonable cost of family planning education services where:

  • the service has been recommended by the client's treating medical practitioner, a social worker, psychologist or neuropsychologist
  • the service is required as the direct result of a transport accident injury
  • the service is likely to be effective and achieve or maintain a measurable improvement
  • the service promotes progress towards independence, participation and self-management
  • prior approval has been given by the TAC in writing.

Who can provide family planning education services?

Family planning education services can only be provided by a Disability Educator employed by Sexual Health Victoria, or an educator employed by an interstate Family Planning organisation.

Family Planning Education type services performed by other providers, can be considered under the relevant policy below:

What information does the TAC require to consider funding family planning education services?

To consider funding family planning education services, the TAC requires a written recommendation from the client's treating medical practitioner, social worker, psychologist or neuropsychologist detailing the following information:

  • The goals, outcomes and benefits expected of the program
  • The duration of the program
  • The cost of the program
  • Confirmation that the client is willing, and has capacity, to participate in the program
  • Information on the planned strategies the treating team members will use to reinforce the newly acquired knowledge, i.e. rehearsal and role play, etc.

Can the TAC fund contraceptive treatment to support a client's family planning?

The TAC can fund contraceptive treatment in accordance with the Doctors and diagnosticsPharmacy and medication expenses or Surgery and medical specialist policies.

Can the TAC fund services by a member of the client's immediate family?

Refer to the Funding Treatment by Members of the client's Immediate Family policy.

In relation to family planning education services, what will the TAC not fund?

The TAC will not fund:

  • services or programs for a person other than the injured client
  • services for a condition that existed before the transport accident, or that is not a direct result of the transport accident
  • treatment that is of not clear benefit to a client
  • the cost of telephone calls and telephone consultations between providers and clients, and between other providers, including hospitals
  • fees associated with non-attendance
  • services provided outside the Commonwealth of Australia
  • services provided more than 2 years prior to the request for funding except where the request for payment is made within 3 years of the transport accident. Refer to the Time Limit to Apply for the Payment of Medical and Like Expenses policy.
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