Interim Loss of Earnings Payment


The TAC can pay a one-off, interim payment to a client who has applied for LOE benefits.


What is an interim LOE payment?

The TAC can pay an immediate, one-off payment based on the income and employment information provided by a client during lodgement. The purpose of this payment is to help with immediate expenses while the TAC assesses a client’s entitlement for LOE benefits. The interim LOE payment covers a two week period and commences from the sixth working day a client is absent from work.

A client can only receive an interim LOE payment, if he/she has applied for LOE benefits.

Who is eligible to receive an interim LOE payment?

The TAC can pay an interim LOE payment to a client who:

  • was an 'earner' (evidence of earnings must be provided upon request)
  • suffered a 'Loss of Earnings' as a result of transport accident injuries, evidenced by a Certificate of Capacity (that can be provided upon request)
  • has been absent from work or expects to be absent from work for more than five days
  • has not returned to work in any capacity since the transport accident; and
  • has applied for LOE benefits.

How are interim LOE payments calculated?

The interim LOE payment is based on the client’s annual earnings and is payable for a two week period.

Are interim LOE payments recoverable by the TAC?

If a client is eligible for LOE benefits and their weekly entitlement is assessed at more than the paid interim rate, the TAC will pay any outstanding amount owing. If the weekly entitlement is assessed at less than the paid interim rate, the TAC may recover the difference by offsets from any future payments that may be paid.

If the TAC determines that a client is ineligible for LOE benefits, the TAC may recover the interim rate paid to a client.

For further information about ongoing LOE benefits please refer to:

Loss of Earnings Benefits policy

Who is Eligible to Receive LOE Benefits?

Who is Not Eligible to Receive LOE Benefits?

How are LOE Benefits Assessed?

How are LOE Benefits Assessed for Self-employment clients?

What Other Factors can Affect a Client's Entitlement to LOE Benefits?

How Long are LOE Benefits Payable For?

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