Orientation and mobility

The TAC can pay the reasonable costs of orientation and mobility services for a client where required as a result of a transport accident injury under section 60 of the Transport Accident Act 1986 (the Act).


What can the TAC pay for in relation to orientation and mobility services?

The TAC can pay the reasonable costs of orientation and mobility services:

  • required as a result of a transport accident injury
  • that are reasonable, necessary or appropriate in the circumstances
  • where safe and effective
  • in accordance with the TAC's policies
  • authorised by the TAC under the Transport Accident Act 1986

Who may provide orientation and mobility services?

Orientation and mobility services may be provided by a qualified orientation and mobility instructor. A qualified orientation and mobility instructor is usually employed by a specialist agency that works within the guidelines of the Disability Services Act (1986).

What information does the TAC require to consider paying for orientation and mobility services?

For clients with a severe injury, orientation and mobility services will be approved as part of the TAC independence planning process. As part of the independence planning process the instructor will be required to submit a written recommendation including:

  • goals of the program
  • frequency of attendance
  • cost of the program.

For all other clients the TAC requires a request from their treating therapist, medical practitioner or via self-referral in order to consider paying for orientation and mobility services.

When will the TAC respond to a request?

The TAC will respond to written treatment and service requests as set out in the TAC Service Charter .

To assist the TAC to make a decision regarding a request for orientation and mobility services a request may be reviewed by the TAC Clinical Panel. The Clinical Panel may contact the requesting medical practitioner to seek further information and/or discuss the proposed treatment prior to making a recommendation to the TAC regarding the request. The TAC will respond to the request when they have received the Clinical Panel's recommendation.

What are the TAC's invoice requirements?

Please refer to the How to Invoice the TAC information page.

What fees are payable for orientation and mobility services?

Please refer to the Orientation and Mobility Services fee schedule.

In relation to orientation and mobility services, what won't the TAC pay for?

The TAC will not pay for:

  • Treatment or services for a person other than the client
  • treatment or services for a condition that existed before the transport accident or that is not a direct result of a transport accident
  • treatment or services not authorised by the TAC under the Transport Accident Act 1986
  • treatment or services subcontracted to, or provided by a non-registered provider
  • fees associated with cancellation or non attendance
  • treatment or services provided outside the Commonwealth of Australia
  • treatment or services provided by telephone or other non face to face mediums
  • telephone calls and telephone consultations between providers and clients/workers, and between other providers, including hospitals
  • treatment, services, prostheses or equipment where there is no National Health and Medical Research Council level 1 or level 2 evidence that the treatment, service, prostheses or equipment is safe and effective. Refer to the Non-Established, New or Emerging Treatments and Services policy
  • services provided more than 2 years prior to the request for funding except where the request for payment is made within 3 years of the transport accident. Refer to the Time Limit to Apply for the Payment of Medical and Like Expenses policy.

For providers

If you are a provider of orientation and mobility services, please refer to our TAC provider guidelines.

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