Post-hospital support (webpage)

If you need treatment in hospital as an inpatient or for day surgery more than three years after your accident, the TAC can support you for a short time while you recover. This is called post-hospital support.

How the TAC can support you

We can pay for:

  • A person to look after your personal care, to help you with things like showering, dressing and moving about. This person can also help you with daily tasks such as shopping, for example, or banking. This service is called post-acute care
  • A person to do your household tasks like vacuuming, mopping floors and gardening. This is called home services
  • A person to look after your children, helping with tasks like feeding and bathing. This service is called childcare

Loss of earnings benefits

We can also pay your lost wages while you are unable to work because of your hospital treatment. This is called loss of earnings benefits. If you are paid sick or annual leave then we can reimburse your employer.

Who can get post-hospital support

You can get post-hospital support if you receive hospital services as an inpatient or for day surgery more than 3 years after your accident.

You also must have written confirmation from a doctor that says your hospital treatment is related to your accident injuries.

You can't get post-hospital support if you are already receiving post-acute care, childcare, home services or income support from the TAC.

How much the TAC can pay for post-hospital support

If you were discharged from hospital between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025 we can pay a maximum amount of $6,410 for post-hospital support. This includes a maximum of $324 a day for income support.

These amounts are updated every financial year.

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