Travel Allowance Agreements for Clients with a Severe Injury
This policy must be read in conjunction with the Travel and Accommodation Expenses policy.
When is the Travel Allowance payable?
The TAC will consider funding the reasonable cost of transportation costs and certain ambulance services as a Travel Allowance for client's with a severe injury as defined by the Transport Accident Act 1986 (the Act).
Transport Accident Act 1986 reference: s.60B
In this policy:
- Travel Allowance refers to transportation costs and ambulance services that are required as a result of transport accident injuries, and is paid to a client as an averaged weekly amount.
Transport Accident Act 1986 reference: s.60B - Ambulance service refers to the conveying in Australia of a person by any reasonable means:
- for the purpose of receiving medical services; or
- to the person's place of residence after receiving medical services.
Transport Accident Act 1986 reference: s.3 'ambulance service'
- Transportation costs refers to costs incurred travelling to or from authorised services, in accordance with section 23 of the Act.
Transport Accident Act 1986 reference: s.3 'transportation costs'
Who is eligible to receive a Travel Allowance?
To be eligible for a Travel Allowance a client must:
- have sustained a severe injury, and
- have a stable health status and functional abilities which allow for a travel allowance to be predicted over the duration of the proposed agreement,
- incurs travel expenses to attend a medical service, rehabilitation service or an approved program of disability services within Australia as a result of transport accident injuries, and
- has not entered into an individualised funding agreement with the TAC, and
- has entered into an agreement with the TAC regarding the Travel Allowance.
What does the agreement between the client and the TAC regarding the Travel Allowance include?
The agreement between the TAC and the client:
- provides for periodic payments to be made rather than individual trips to be funded
- allows for payments to be made in advance
- nominates the start and end date of the agreement
- lists the ambulance services and transportation costs covered by the agreement
- states that for the duration of the agreement the client is not entitled to any additional funding in respect of the ambulance services and transportation costs covered by the agreement
- states that the client is obliged to advise the TAC of changes to his/her details that are relevant to the administration of the agreement, e.g. a change of bank details, change of address etc.
What benefits are included in the Travel Allowance agreement?
The TAC will consider funding the reasonable cost of the following as part of a Travel Allowance agreement:
- Transportation costs to authorised rehabilitation or disability services; and
- Ambulance services to and from medical services.
The reasonable cost of transportation costs and ambulance services includes private vehicle travel, public transport and taxi fares, car parking and CityLink tolls.
The cost of car parking and CityLink tolls is based on previous amounts that the TAC has reimbursed to a client.
What benefits are not included in the Travel Allowance agreement?
The following benefits are funded separately from the Travel Allowance. An eligible client can receive a travel allowance at the same time as any of the following travel or like benefits:
- Travel to and from hospital services
- Accommodation expenses
- Travel and accommodation expenses for an injured client's family
- Travel to a TAC funded Return To Work Program or to a Vocational Retraining Program
- The Travel to Work Benefit whilst returning to work
- Travel by air transport
- Travel and like expenses when attending TAC arranged examinations
- Travel paid to an attendant care agency.
Can the agreement include the payment of a Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP) Card?
The TAC is not liable to pay for the issue, renewal or replacement of MPTP membership cards.
How is the travel allowance calculated and paid?
The Travel Allowance is paid as weekly amount. The weekly amount is the average weekly cost of transportation costs and ambulance services to and from medical services for the client once that client's transport needs have stabilised. The Travel Allowance is paid by electronic funds transfer and is paid in advance each week for the duration of the agreement.