We’re here to help you get your life back on track after your transport accident. To help you with your injuries and care planning we will pay for reports and clinical notes to be written by your doctor or health professionals.
Why these reports are needed
To help us make the right decisions about your transport accident injuries and the treatment you receive, your doctor and health professionals need to let us know how your treatment is going.
We ask them to give us reports and clinical notes so that we can see how you are recovering. Usually we will provide them with a list of questions asking for the information we need.
We need this information to make sure that:
- You have access to appropriate treatment and supports required for your transport accident injuries.
- You are getting proven, evidence-based treatment and not receiving treatment that isn't helping you recover.
- You are moving towards getting your life back on track and being able to live independently.
You don’t need to do anything
We will request a report or a copy of your clinical notes from your treatment team any time it is needed. We will let you know when we request this information and what we have asked for. We will make the information available to you or your solicitor if you ask us to.
How these reports are paid for
We pay your treating team directly when we have requested clinical notes or a treatment report.
We pay for their services in line with our responsibilities under the Transport Accident Act 1986.
How much we will pay
We will pay for your treatment and services according to our fee schedule. For a list of TAC rates, see:
We pay for clinical notes in accordance with the Health Records Regulations 2012 and the Health Records Act 2001.
What we won’t pay for
We will not pay for a consultation for you to discuss these reports with your treating team, as the report is expected to be completed using existing clinical notes.
For providers
If you are a practitioner who is completing a report, see the relevant Provider Guideline.