Hospital discharge checklist (webpage)

When you are in hospital after a transport accident, it can be difficult to think about what support you may need when you get home. This checklist can help you start to think about this.

Use this checklist to help you, your family and the hospital staff plan your safe discharge.

If there is anything that concerns you about going home, make sure that you have worked out a solution before you leave the hospital.

Remember, the TAC can support you when you return home. For more information on how we can help, please visit the 'How we can help' section of our website. You can also call us on 1300 654 329, 8.30 am - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday.

The planning stage

Answer these questions before you are discharged from the hospital. Not all the questions may be relevant to you. If a question is not relevant, you do not have to tick yes or no.

Going home

Is there someone who can pick you up when you are ready to go home? Yes / No

If this is a problem, how can it be solved?

At home

Your transport accident injuries may prevent you from performing some of your usual household tasks for a short time.

Due to your accident injuries, are you able to perform the following tasks?

  • Vacuuming, mopping floors or gardening Yes / No
  • Showering, getting dressed or moving around your home Yes / No
  • Grocery shopping, preparing meals or child-minding Yes / No
  • Travelling independently to medical or rehabilitation appointments Yes / No
  • Using hospital equipment such as crutches or over toilet frames Yes / No

If any of these tasks are a problem, how can they be solved?

Work or study

  • Does your employer/school/university know that you may need time off? Yes / No
  • Have you discussed returning to work/study with your doctor? Yes / No

On the day you leave hospital

Answer these questions on the day you are discharged.

  • Do you feel confident about managing your injuries at home, including taking medications? Yes / No
  • Have you checked with the hospital about any follow-up appointments? Yes / No
  • Has the hospital given you medical certificates for time missed from work or study? Yes / No

What you need to do

If you answered 'no' to any of these questions you need to follow up these concerns before you leave the hospital.

Talk about your options with family, friends, hospital staff or the TAC. This will ensure you have a comfortable and safe discharge from the hospital and return home.

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