Making decisions with the TAC

This information aims to help you understand the decisions you might be involved in, and the support available to you after your accident.

When do I need to make decisions?

When you make a new MyPlan, there will be some decisions you need to make. These can include:

  • which providers you want to work with,
  • what recovery or rehabilitation goals you want to focus on.

You can choose which people you want to help you make these decisions. For example, family members or trusted friends can help you.

Your TAC Claims Manager will arrange time with you to get to know you and your family.

They will support you to make decisions about what you want to do, and the supports you need to achieve your goals.

Every client has the right to be involved in decisions that affect their lives. This includes the things you want to do, and how you want to receive support to do them.

What choice and control do I have?

It is important that you have choice and control over the decisions that affect your life.

Having this kind of choice and control gives you the best chance of having the support that best meets your needs.

As a TAC client, you will have a say in:

  • How and when the TAC contacts you
  • Who to include in your planning discussions
  • How your planning discussions take place
  • What you want to do now and in the future (your goals)
  • What support you may need to reach your goals
  • Who will provide your support, and how or where you will access it

What if I need help?

Everyone needs help to make decisions at some time in their life.

It is important you feel confident to make decisions about your life. There are many ways you can get support.


Your TAC Claims Manager has experience working with clients in similar situations to you.

They will:

  • Ensure they understand your preferences
  • Ensure planning discussions include what is important to you
  • Provide information to help you make decisions
  • Help guide you through any decisions you are not sure of

My personal support network

You might choose a trusted family member, friend or carer to help you make decisions.

It is important that your support person:

  • Knows you very well
  • Understands what is important to you
  • Represents your wishes, preferences and choices in good faith
  • Can help communicate your needs and wishes to others
  • Will support you to make decisions that help you reach your goals

Legally recognised decision-supporter

You may also appoint a decision-supporter to help you make decisions. The type of decision supporter you need will depend on your situation.

A decision-supporter may:

  • Help you find ways to make decisions
  • Help you exchange information and communicate with the TAC and other organisations
  • Identify and clarify your options
  • Support you to decide what you want to do
  • Help communicate your preferences to others, such as medical staff

You can find more information in the Office of the Public Advocate booklet: Supported decision-making in Victoria: a guide for families and carers