Income support

Centrelink information

Please note: You must notify Centrelink if you are receiving Centrelink benefits and TAC income support at the same time. This will help you avoid a Centrelink debt.

Check your eligibility for income support

To help us give you the right information, please tell us a few things about your income.


You work for an employer — either full time, part time or as a casual. You earn regular pay or salary.


You work for yourself. This could be as a sole trader, in a partnership or in a company or trust.


You are looking for work or on a pension (aged, disability etc).

On home duties

You run a home or care for others in unpaid work.


Choose this option if your situation isn’t covered.


This tool gives general information about your eligibility for income support. The answers given by this tool are not a TAC decision about your claim.