About the TAC - Traditional Chinese

View in English

關於 TAC

交通事故委員會 (TAC) 是維多利亞州的政府所有組織。我們為交通事故中受傷的人提供支持。我們可以幫助支付某人所需要的治療和服務,即使事故歸咎於此人。

如何使用您的語言與 TAC 及您的醫生交談


一位口譯員會將您所說的內容翻譯給 TAC、您的醫生或醫療專業人士。他們將確保傳達您所表達的完整意思。


  • 要求您的醫院或服務機構安排口譯員。
  • 撥打 TACLINK的1300 138 640線。您可以使用 TACLINK 來:
    • 通過翻譯與 TAC 交談
    • 聽到以您的語言錄製的有關 TAC 的信息。
  • 如果需要,請讓您的服務提供者致電 TAC 安排口譯員。


我們將支付費用給國家筆譯和口譯員認證局 (NAATI) 認證的口譯員。口譯員可以協助您安排所需的醫療、康復或殘障治療。


  • 當您向他們提供您的 TAC 索賠編號時,直接付款給您的口譯服務,或
  • 如果您須先付款,請將收據副本發送給我們,我們將付還您。您可以使用 myTAC(英文)發送收據。或者,您可以給我們郵寄收據到:
    • TAC
      GPO 郵箱 2751
      墨爾本,維多利亞州 3001


誰可以提出 TAC 索賠



  • 您在因駕駛汽車、電單車、巴士、火車或電車導致的事故中受傷
  • 您所代表的某人於事故中喪生。


2014 年 7 月 9 日及以後,與靜止的機動車輛相撞的騎單車人士也包括在內。



  • 維多利亞州居民在涉及維多利亞州註冊車輛的州際事故中受傷或喪生,或
  • 此人乘坐維多利亞州註冊車輛,在州際事故中受傷或喪生。

如果您不確定是否可以提出 TAC 索賠,請聯繫我們獲得更多信息。您可以使用 TACLINK 通過口譯員致電 TAC。

如何提出TAC 索賠




第 1 步 - 收集這些信息

  • 事故詳情 — 地點、情形和受傷情況
  • 涉事車輛的詳細資料,包括牌照號碼和乘坐者姓名
  • 任何事故目擊者的詳細資料
  • 警察在現場或報警日期的詳情,包括警員的姓名和所屬警局
  • 對於公共交通車輛引發的事故,請提供:
    • 公共交通運營商的名稱
    • 接到事故報告的公共交通運營商員工的姓名
    • 公共交通駕駛員的姓名
    • 事故詳情,包括車輛牌照號、地點、行駛路線、行駛日期和時間
  • 因事故傷害而接診您的醫療專業人士的姓名
  • 如果您因事故誤工超過五天,請提供雇主和收入詳情。詳細了解如何在事故發生後申請收入補助
  • 您的銀行資料

第 2 步 - 提出 TAC 索賠

當您集齊第 1 步中提及的資料後,您可以通過三種方式提出 TAC 索賠。

  • 使用我們的在線提交表格(英文)
  • 使用 TACLINK 通過口譯員致電 TAC。我們的工作時間為週一至週五,上午 8:30 至下午 5:30。
  • 如果您因事故住院,有些醫院可以為您提交索賠申請。請與醫院的病患聯絡員瞭解程序。

第 3 步 – 填寫授權發放信息表格

請完成並提交 TAC 授權發放信息表(英文)。如果您不填寫此表格:
  • 我們可能無法就您的索賠做出決定,或
  • 支付您需要的治療和服務費用。




要獲得 TAC 的支持,您需要填寫葬禮和受撫養人福利索賠表(英文)。該表格詢問有關死者及事故的情況。我們使用這些信息來審視我們所能為您提供的支持。

TAC 支持協調員可以幫助您完成此表格。如果您需要向我們提供任何其它信息,他們會告知您。

您可以使用TACLINK通過口譯員致電 TAC。





如果您因事故受傷而誤工超過 5 天,您可能有資格獲得收入補助。


您需要與我們討論您獲得收入補助的資格,如果您還未這樣做。您可以使用TACLINK 通過口譯員致電 TAC(週一至週五,上午 8 點30分至下午 5 點 30 分)。


  • 您雇主的商業名稱和地址
  • 您的經理或薪資支付人員的聯繫方式
  • 如果您有經濟上依賴您的人,他們的姓名、出生日期及與您的關係(例如,妻子/丈夫、伴侶、孩子)
  • 您的銀行賬戶詳細資料,包括:
    • 銀行、分行和賬戶名稱
    • 分行號碼(BSB)和賬號



  • 您發生事故前 12 個月的收入明細。這可以是:
    • 一份 12 個月的工資報告,或
    • 事故發生前 12 個月的工資單。

如果您就職時間少於 12 個月,您可以向我們提供:

  • 您就職於這份工作期間的工資報告,或
  • 從您開始這份工作之日到事故發生之日的工資單。
  • 您可以用以下方式向我們發送資料:
    • 使用 myTAC 應用程式
    • 郵寄至:
      • TAC
        GPO 郵箱 2751
        墨爾本,維多利亞州 3001



  • 您的醫生出具的能力證明
  • 過去 12 個月內,您的任何工資變化信息(例如,加薪)
  • 如果您已經返回工作崗位,您復工的日期以及您是全職或者兼職工作,


  • 您的汽車、電單車、踏板車、單車或其它類型交通工具的損壞
  • 非醫療性個人物品的損壞(電單車裝備、衣服、手機)


在事故發生後的前 90 天內,TAC 可以幫助支付一些治療和服務費用。您無需事先聯繫我們以獲得批准。


  • 由您的醫生或醫療專業人士推薦的,並且
  • 是為事故傷害所提供的。


  • 全科醫生 (GP)
  • 物理治療
  • 救護車
  • 住院治療
  • X 光和掃描
  • 康復服務
  • 精神健康服務



在事故發生超過 90 天後,您將需要 TAC的 批准以獲得支付治療或服務費用的幫助。


  1. 與您的醫生或醫院治療團隊討論您的治療方案。如有需要,請要求轉介。
  2. 選擇醫療或服務提供機構為您進行推薦的治療或服務。
  3. 打電話預約並告知他們您是 TAC 客戶。
  4. 向他們提供您的 TAC 索賠編號。


在大多數情況下,TAC 會付款給您的服務提供機構。我們按 TAC 費率支付獲批的治療和服務費用。如果您的服務提供者收取的費用高於此費率的金額,他們可能會向您索取額外費用。這被稱為差額款。

如果您全額支付了治療或服務費用,我們將按 TAC 費率報銷退款您。掃描或拍照收據,然後通過 myTAC 門戶或應用程式 tac.vic.gov.au/mytac 發送給我們。


  • TAC
    GPO 郵箱 2751
    墨爾本,維多利亞州 3001


tac.vic.gov.au/rates(英文)上了解有關 TAC 費率和報銷退款的更多信息。




在下列情況下,您或您的服務提供機構需要獲得 TAC 的批准以幫助支付治療或服務費用:

  • 治療或服務未納入最初90 天獲批列表(英語)中,或
  • 距離您的事故發生時間即將或已超過 90 天,而我們尚未批准進一步的治療或服務,或
  • 距離您上次接受 TAC 支付的任何治療或服務已超過 6 個月。



您可以使用TACLINK 通過口譯員致電TAC尋求幫助:

  • 關於您 TAC 索賠的任何問題
  • 您可以使用哪些治療和服務
  • 如何申請收入補助
  • TAC 可以如何幫助您重返工作崗位

About the TAC

The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) is a Victorian Government-owned organisation. We are here to support people injured in a transport accident. We can help pay for the treatment and services a person needs, even if the accident was their fault.

How to talk to the TAC and your doctors in your language

We’re here to help you get your life back on track after your transport accident. To help with your injuries, we will pay for interpreting services provided by an accredited interpreter in Australia.

An interpreter will translate what you say to the TAC, your doctor or health professional. They will help make sure the full meaning of what you’re saying is understood.

You can:

  • Ask your hospital or service to arrange an interpreter.
  • Call TACLINK on 1300 139 075. You can use TACLINK to:
    • talk to the TAC through an interpreter
    • hear recorded information about the TAC in your language.
  • If needed, ask your provider to call the TAC for an interpreter.

How we pay for your interpreter

We will pay for an interpreter accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). The interpreter can help you organise the medical, rehabilitation or disability treatment you need.

We pay for these services:

  • Directly to your interpreting service, when you have given them your TAC claim number, or
  • If you have to pay, send a copy of your receipt to us and we will repay you. You can use myTAC (English) to send receipts. Or, you can mail the receipt to us at:
    • TAC
      GPO Box 2751
      Melbourne, VIC 3001

Please include your name and claim number when you send your receipt.

Who can make a TAC claim

Accidents in Victoria

You can make a claim if:

  • You were injured in an accident caused by the driving of a car, motorcycle, bus, train or tram
  • Someone you represent died in the accident.

Pedestrians and cyclists who were injured or died in accidents caused by the driving of a car, motorcycle, bus, train or tram are also covered.

Cyclists who collide with a stationary motor vehicle on or after 9 July 2014 are also covered.

Interstate accidents

A person can make a claim if:

  • A Victorian resident was injured or died in an interstate accident that involved a Victorian registered vehicle, or
  • A person was injured or died in an interstate accident and was in a Victorian registered vehicle.

If you are not sure whether you can make a TAC claim, please contact us to find out more. You can use TACLINK to call the TAC with an interpreter.

How to make a TAC claim

When a person is injured

We understand that you’ll be upset now and may not feel like doing any paperwork. Save as many details about your accident as you can. This will help with your claim and allow us to help you.

If you’ve been injured in a transport accident please follow these steps.

Step 1 - Collect this information

  • Accident details - the location, circumstances and injuries
  • Details of the vehicles involved, including registration numbers and names of occupants
  • Details of any persons who saw the accident
  • Details of police attendance or date reported to police including officer names and station
  • For public transport accidents, please provide:
    • Name of the public transport operator
    • Name of the person at the public transport operator that the accident was reported to
    • Name of the public transport driver
    • Accident details including vehicle number, location, route of travel, date and time of travel
  • The name of the health professional you have seen for the injuries you got in your accident
  • Employment and income details if you have had more than five days off work due to the accident. Find out more about how to claim income support after your accident
  • Your bank details

Step 2 - Make a TAC claim

Once you have the information we need in step 1, there are three ways you can make a TAC claim.

  • Use our online lodgement form (English)
  • Use TACLINK to call the TAC with an interpreter. We are available Monday to Friday, from 8.30am – 5.30pm.
  • If you are in hospital because of your accident, some hospitals can lodge a claim for you. Please talk to the hospital Patient Liaison Officer about this.

Step 3 – Complete the Authority to release information form

Please complete and submit the TAC Authority to release information form (English). If you do not complete this form:

  • we may not be able to make decisions on your claim, or
  • pay for the treatment and services you need.

When a family member dies

If you have lost a loved one in a transport accident, we are sorry for your loss. We are here to help. We offer financial support with funeral costs and counselling services. We will give you as much information and advice as we can.

We can also provide financial support for dependants.

To access support from the TAC, you will need to complete a Funeral and dependency benefits claim form (English). This form asks about the person who has died and about the accident. We use this information to look at the support we can give you.

The TAC support coordinators can help you complete this form. They will let you know if there is any other information you may need to give us.

You can use TACLINK to call the TAC with an interpreter.

What we can help pay for

The type and amount of support you receive, and the length of time you need support, will depend on your circumstances. Support can include:

Income support

If you have more than 5 days off work because of your accident injuries, you may be eligible for income support.

Step 1

If you haven't already, you will need to talk to us about your eligibility for income support. You can use TACLINK to call the TAC with an interpreter (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5:30pm).

When we talk to you, we will ask you for some information. This may include:

  • Your employer's business name and address
  • Contact details of your manager or payroll officer
  • If you have financial dependent(s), their name, date of birth and relationship to you (e.g. wife/husband, partner, child)
  • Your bank account details including:
    • Bank, branch and account name
    • BSB and account number

We'll use this information to work out if you are eligible for income support.

Step 2

To work out how much income support to pay, we need:

  • Details of your earnings for the 12 months before your accident. This could be:
    • A 12 month payroll report, or
    • Payslips for the 12 months before your accident.

If you have been in your job for less than 12 months, you can send us:

  • A payroll report for the time you have been in your current job, or
  • Payslips from the date you started your current job, up until the date of your accident.

You can send us this information:

Please include your name and claim number when you send your receipt.

Other information we need:

  • A Certificate of Capacity from your doctor
  • Details of any changes to your pay in the last 12 months (e.g. a pay rise)
  • If you have returned to work, the date you went back and whether you are working full or part time,
  • A completed Tax File Number (TFN) declaration form.

What we can’t help pay for

We don’t cover things like:

  • Damage to your car, motorbike, scooter, bicycle or other types of transport
  • Damage to non-medical personal items (motorcycle gear, clothes, mobile phones)

Approved treatments and services

In the first 90 days after your accident, there are some treatments and services the TAC can help pay for. You don't need to contact us for approval first.

These treatments and services must be:

  • recommended by your doctor or health professional, and
  • for your accident injuries.

Common treatments and services include:

  • General practitioner (GP)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Ambulance
  • Hospital treatment
  • X-rays and scans
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Mental health and wellbeing services

You can see a full list of approved treatments and services here (English).

We will check your recovery progress. We may contact you or your health and service providers during this time to discuss your treatment and the support you need.

You will need TAC approval to help pay for treatments or services after the first 90 days of your accident.

How to get an approved treatment or service

  1. Speak to your doctor or hospital treating team about your treatment options. Ask for a referral if required.
  2. Choose a health or service provider for your recommended treatment or service.
  3. Call to make an appointment and tell them you are a TAC client.
  4. Give them your TAC claim number.

How to pay for your treatment

In most cases, the TAC will pay your provider. We pay for approved treatments and services at the TAC rate. If your provider charges more than this, they may pass on the extra cost to you. This is called a gap payment.

If you pay for your treatment or service in full, we will reimburse you at the TAC rate. Scan or take a photo of your receipt and send it to us through the myTAC portal or app at tac.vic.gov.au/mytac.

Or, you can mail the receipts to:

  • TAC
    GPO Box 2751
    Melbourne, VIC 3001

Please include your name and claim number when you send your receipt.

Find out more about TAC rates and reimbursements at tac.vic.gov.au/rates (English).

When we need more information about your treatment

At times, we may ask your providers for information or a treatment plan. This helps us understand more about your injuries and the treatment and support you need. We use this information to make decisions about what we can help pay for and for how long.

When you need to contact us for approval

You or your provider will need to ask for TAC approval to help pay for a treatment or service when:

  • The treatment or service is not on the approved in the first 90 days list (English), or
  • It is approaching or more than 90 days since your accident and we have not approved further treatment or services, or
  • It has been more than 6 months since you’ve had any treatment or service paid for by the TAC.

What to do if you need help

You can talk to your health professionals or local doctor if you need help with your injuries after your accident.

You can use TACLINK to call the TAC with an interpreter for help with:

  • Any questions about your TAC claim
  • What treatments and services you can use
  • How to claim income support
  • How the TAC can support your return to work