Release of Information (ROI): Solicitors

Important notes

This form assists solicitors to request copies of information held on a TAC claim of a client they represent, in accordance with the TAC’s Release of Information (ROI) Policy. It is also known as an “ROI” application.

Please note that all other claim documents must currently be requested under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. These include such documents as draft claim forms, file notes, and Clinical Panel Referral Forms (CRFs). You can get more information about the FOI process here.

The TAC will respond to your request within 3 business days, providing a target date for document delivery and a pathway for escalation if your matter becomes urgent within that time.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Claimant details
Does the claimant have any other TAC claims that you require a copy of the TAC claim file for? *
Claimant's solicitor
Declaration *
Documents requested*
  • TAC Claim Form and Acceptance letter
  • Print out of Payments
The TAC will aim to complete this request within 7 days
  • TAC Claim Form and Acceptance letter
  • Print out of Payments
  • Medical Reports
  • Decision Letters
The TAC will aim to complete this request within 30 days
If you are seeking a specific document(s) or date range, please provide details below: The timeframe for completion of this request will vary according to the document/s requested
Print out of payments The TAC will aim to complete this request within 7 working days


The TAC’s privacy policy

The TAC respects the privacy of claimants. The TAC will retain the information provided in this form and may use or disclose it to make further enquiries to assist in the ongoing management of the claim or any claim for common law damages. The TAC may also be required by law to disclose this information.

Without this information, the TAC may be unable to determine entitlements or assess whether the treatment is reasonable and may not be able to approve further benefits and treatment.

If you require further information about the TAC’s privacy policy, please call the TAC on 1300 654 329 or visit our view the privacy policy.