Physiotherapy (private) fees

Effective 1 July 2024

The TAC has extended the funding of temporary telehealth services previously scheduled to end on 30 September 2020 until further notice, giving clients the ongoing convenience and flexibility of accessing health services from home.

Physiotherapy can be invoiced online via HICAPS Digital Claims for next business day payments.

For Physiotherapy services provided on or after 1 July 2024
 Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
In Rooms
Initial Consultation PY600R $86.70
Standard Consultation PY602R $66.06
Consultation, with Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan (AHTRP) PY604R $86.70
Out of Rooms (the fees for these items include travel)
Initial Consultation PY600H $123.74
Standard Consultation PY602H $99.02
Consultation, with Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan (AHTRP) PY604H $123.74
Worksite / Home / Equipment Inspection and Report# PY620H*# $145.23
#Billed as an hourly rate inclusive of travel
Two or more patients treated in a class or group session and receive constant overall supervision and intermittent attention for up to 30 minutes at a time PY602G $40.09
Hydrotherapy (includes pool hire and entrance fees)
Individual PH602R $66.06
Group (Two or more patients treated in a class or group session and receive constant overall supervision and intermittent attention for up to 30 minutes at a time) PH602G $40.09
Attendance at TAC Team Meeting (the fee for this item includes travel)
Attendance by treating physiotherapist at meeting where the patient is present, at the request of the TAC # PY625H*# $145.23
Extended Consultations

Treatment of a complex condition that cannot be adequately addressed in a standard consultation. For a client who has:

  • complex and multisite injuries
  • two or more entirely separate injuries/conditions.
In Rooms
Between 31 and 40 minutes of direct patient contact time PY614R $82.64
Greater than 40 minutes of direct patient contact time PY616R $132.00
Out of Rooms (the fees for these items include travel)
Between 31 and 40 minutes of direct patient contact time PY614H $123.74
Greater than 40 minutes of direct patient contact time PY616H $197.72
Initial Consultation PY600RT $86.70
Standard Consultation PY602RT $66.06
Extended Consultation (31-40 minutes of direct patient contact time) PY614RT $82.64
Extended Consultation (40+ minutes of direct patient contact time) PY616RT $132.00
Consultation, with Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan (AHTRP) PY604RT $86.70
Worksite / Home / Equipment Inspection and Report (per hour) PY620HT $145.23
TAC team meeting PY625HT $145.23
Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan  (AHTRP)
Completion of Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan (at TAC request) PY630R* $72.73
Travel as a separate fee/item
Specific Criteria apply and pre-approval by the TAC required.  Refer to the TAC Physiotherapy provider guidelines.
For rural and regional travel of greater than 30 minutes (by prior approval from the TAC)^ PY650# $131.79

# Billed as an hourly rate inclusive of travel

For Physiotherapy services provided between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024
 Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item NumberMaximum Payment Rate
In Rooms
Initial Consultation PY600R $83.52
Standard Consultation PY602R $63.64
Consultation, with Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan (AHTRP) PY604R $83.52
Out of Rooms (the fees for these items include travel)
Initial Consultation PY600H $119.20
Standard Consultation PY602H $95.39
Consultation, with Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan (AHTRP) PY604H $119.20
Worksite / Home / Equipment Inspection and Report# PY620H*# $139.90
#Billed as an hourly rate inclusive of travel
Two or more patients treated in a class or group session and receive constant overall supervision and intermittent attention for up to 30 minutes at a time PY602G $38.62
Hydrotherapy (includes pool hire and entrance fees)
Individual PH602R $63.64
Group (Two or more patients treated in a class or group session and receive constant overall supervision and intermittent attention for up to 30 minutes at a time) PH602G $38.62
Attendance at TAC Team Meeting (the fee for this item includes travel)
Attendance by treating physiotherapist at meeting where the patient is present, at the request of the TAC # PY625H*# $139.90
Extended Consultations

Treatment of a complex condition that cannot be adequately addressed in a standard consultation. For a client who has:

  • complex and multisite injuries
  • two or more entirely separate injuries/conditions.
In Rooms
Between 31 and 40 minutes of direct patient contact time PY614R $79.61
Greater than 40 minutes of direct patient contact time PY616R $127.16
Out of Rooms (the fees for these items include travel)
Between 31 and 40 minutes of direct patient contact time PY614H $119.20
Greater than 40 minutes of direct patient contact time PY616H $190.46
Initial Consultation PY600RT $83.52
Standard Consultation PY602RT $63.64
Extended Consultation (31-40 minutes of direct patient contact time) PY614RT $79.61
Extended Consultation (40+ minutes of direct patient contact time) PY616RT $127.16
Consultation, with Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan (AHTRP) PY604RT $83.52
Worksite / Home / Equipment Inspection and Report (per hour) PY620HT $139.90
TAC team meeting PY625HT $139.90
Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan  (AHTRP)
Completion of Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan (at TAC request) PY630R* $70.06
Travel as a separate fee/item
Specific Criteria apply and pre-approval by the TAC required.  Refer to the TAC Physiotherapy provider guidelines.
For rural and regional travel of greater than 30 minutes (by prior approval from the TAC)^ PY650# $126.95

# Billed as an hourly rate inclusive of travel

For Physiotherapy services performed by a provider who is not registered for GST
Not Registered for GST
Service DescriptionTAC Item Number2024/25 Maximum Payment Rate2023/24 Maximum Payment Rate
Out of Rooms (the fees for these items include travel)
Worksite / Home / Equipment Inspection and Report# PY620F^ $132.04 $127.19
Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan  (AHTRP)
Completion of Allied Health Treatment and Recovery Plan (at TAC request) PY630F $66.11 $63.68