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Telehealth fees

The TAC's rates for Telehealth services are available here.

MBS item numbers

You can browse MBS item numbers here. This link is for MBS items only.

All other TAC item numbers

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Our approved fee schedules outline how much we will pay for each treatment and service.

To find your fee schedule, please choose a category below. If you can't find the fee you're looking for, please try the A-Z list.

Our approved fee schedules outline how much we will pay for each treatment and service.

To find your fee schedule, please choose a category below. If you can't find the fee you're looking for, please try the A-Z list.


Allied health assistant fees

Attendant care (IRQS) fees

Attendant care fees

Audiology fees


Burial or cremation expenses fees (applies to accidents before 20 November 2013)


Case management fees

Chinese medicine (acupuncture) fees

Chiropractic fees

Client Independence Skills Services fees

Community Group Programs fees

Community access planners fees


Dental fees

Dietitian fees

Dose administration aids fees

Driving assessment (instructor) fees


Early Intervention Physiotherapy Framework fees

Exercise physiology fees


Financial Administration Fees

Financial intermediary services for IF clients fees

Funeral expenses fees (applies to accidents on or after 20 November 2013)


Home and child care service fees

Home and child care service fees (preferred providers)


Independent impairment assessments and reports (TAC requested) fees

Independent medical examination fees (neuropsychologists)

Independent medical examination fees (occupational therapists)

Independent medical examination fees (physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths)

Independent medical examination fees (speech therapists)

Independent medical examinations and reports (TAC requested) fees

Integration services fees

Interpreting services fees


Joint medical examinations and reports fees


Massage services fees

Medical reports (TAC requested) fees: treating medical practitioners

Medical reports (non-TAC requested) fees: impairment examinations and reports

Medical reports (non-TAC requested) fees: independent examinations and reports

Medical reports (non-TAC requested) fees: treating medical practitioners

Medical services fees: GP return to work activities

Medical services reimbursement rates


Nursing fees


Occupational therapy fees

Optometry fees

Orientation and mobility services fees

Orthoptic services fees

Osteopathy fees

Outreach services fees


Physiotherapy (private) fees

Podiatry fees

Private hospital (non-arrangement) services fees

Private vehicle travel reimbursement (for clients) fees

Prosthetic and orthotic fees

Psychology and neuropsychology fees

Public hospital fees


Shared Supported Accommodation fees

Social work fees

Special education services fees

Speech pathology fees

Surgery reimbursement rates


TAC questionnaires fees

Telehealth fees

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