Ordering equipment

For more information on ordering equipment, please see our Equipment guidelines.

The TAC uses both contracted and non-contracted suppliers to provide clients with clinically justified rehabilitation and medical equipment. Where appropriate, suppliers also offer maintenance, repairs and installation services.

Contracted suppliers provide state-wide equipment coverage as well as interstate coverage where required. Treating health professionals and TAC clients are encouraged to visit contracted suppliers, as they offer demonstrations, fittings, trials and expert advice on rehabilitation equipment. Contracted suppliers provide Equipment Lists (see below) to enable treating health professionals and TAC clients to order the rehabilitation and medical equipment they need.

We can pay for basic equipment without prior approval. For specialised equipment please use the Assistive technology assessment and recommendations form.

For information on our contracted suppliers, please visit:

For continence equipment:

Non-contracted suppliers are used to source specialised or highly customised items of equipment or items that are not included on the Equipment Lists.


Equipment refers to items that are used to assist a person's recovery following a transport related injury. Use of equipment may help address one or more of the following aspects of an injured person's recovery:

  • mobility
  • function
  • independence
  • community involvement (through return to work, educational or leisure activities)
  • relief of pain or discomfort
  • communication
  • safe environment.

Equipment is recommended to a TAC client by their treating health professional. A treating health professional may recommend equipment related to their area of expertise and/or scope of treatment.

Equipment Lists

The Equipment Lists are a resource for treating health professionals when recommending equipment to their patients. They include items that support functional improvement and/or independence for TAC clients.

Continence, Nutritional Supplements and Wound Care Equipment List

The Continence, Nutritional Supplements and Wound Care Equipment Lists are a resource developed for treating health professionals to use when recommending equipment and products for their patients. Each list includes items that support continence, nutritional or wound care management and/or independence for TAC clients.

Independence Australia is the sole contracted supplier for Continence, Nutritional Supplements and Wound Care equipment and products. If you require a product that does not appear on the list, please contact Independence Australia on 1300 788 855 and ask to be connected with the TAC Customer Service Team, which can assist you with pricing.

You can also see a description of Independence Australia products by visiting http://store.independenceaustralia.com/

How to recommend specialised equipment

You will be required to recommend specialised equipment items from our contracted suppliers when treating a TAC client. If the contracted supplier does not stock the equipment required, you are able to source it from an alternative supplier.

To request specialised equipment please submit an Assistive technology assessment and recommendations form. Clinical justification must be provided for all specialised equipment items. These include:

  • beds
  • bikes
  • custom toilet / shower / commode chairs
  • hoists
  • large exercise equipment
  • lifting and standing items
  • lounge chairs / tilt recliners
  • mainstream multi-functional technology (e.g. tablets, smartphones, computers)
  • mattresses
  • minor home modification items
  • minor vehicle modifications
  • powered conversion kits
  • pressure cushions
  • ramps
  • recumbent trikes
  • scooters
  • shower trolleys
  • specialised medical items
  • standing frames
  • tilt tables
  • treatment couches
  • vocational aids
  • wheelchairs

For all customised items

For customised equipment items, in addition to submitting the Assistive technology assessment and recommendations form, you must also attach a standardised quote from the equipment supplier.

The equipment supplier can either use our Assistive technology quote template or their own business format as long as it supplies the same information as our template.

    Emergency equipment repairs

    All repair requests should be directed to one of the TAC Equipment Contractors in the first instance during business hours. The only exception should be if a client requires an emergency (client at high safety risk) equipment repair outside business hours (9am – 5pm)  Monday to Friday.

    In this situation, the client or their support staff can contact the following numbers for assistance:

    Aidacare on 1300 133 128 or servicevic@aidacare.com.au during:
    Weekdays 5pm-11pm
    Weekends and public holidays 9am-5pm

    Country Care Group on 1800 843 224 during:
    Weekdays 5pm-10pm
    Weekends and public holidays 9am-5pm

    Independence Australia (in partnership with Mobility Aids) on 1800 765 833 during:
    Weekdays 5pm-9am
    Weekends and public holidays 24 hours

    Independent Living Specialists on 0418 439 457 during:
    Weekdays 5pm-11pm
    Weekends and public holidays 9am-5pm

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