Invoicing guidelines for legal costs

Please follow the requirements at How to invoice the TAC when invoicing the TAC for legal costs.

In addition:

  • A full copy of the information or report must be included with a compliant invoice (if not already provided to the TAC) if you are invoicing for:
    • Freedom of Information costs
    • clinical notes
    • treater medical reports
    • medico-legal reports
  • If the information was previously served on the TAC, please advise when the information was provided.
  • To help with prompt payment and resolution of other matters, please do not send your invoice under a cover letter or email also discussing other claim related matters.
  • If you require multiple providers on the one invoice, you must clearly identify the service listed under each health professional/service provider.
  • For the payment of the reasonable cost of medico-legal reports not obtained on a joint basis and in accordance with the Impairment Protocols, please send your request to the TAC Coordinator allocated to the claim.

If you are submitting your invoice by email:

  • Attach your cover letter, an original copy of the invoice and a copy of the report or information.
  • Include your client’s claim number in the subject line.
  • Send separate emails for every client you are seeking reimbursement for (i.e. do not include multiple claim numbers in the one email).
  • For Section 60 costs paid during the Impairment process, email your invoice to
  • For reimbursement of medico-legal reports not obtained on a joint basis and provided for the purposes of impairment, email your invoice to

Section 60 costs paid during the Impairment process

During the Impairment process you may seek reimbursement from the TAC for costs that fall under a Section 60 benefit, including:

  • Freedom of Information
  • Clinical notes
  • Treater medical reports
  • Interpreter services

You will need to submit the provider's individual tax invoices for which you are seeking reimbursement.

Time limit for submitting invoices

There are time limits for submitting invoices to be paid under Section 60 which are:

  • three years of your client's accident date, or
  • within two years of incurring the expense in any other case.

For more information, please refer to our policy on the Time Limit to Apply for the Payment of Medical and Like Expenses.

You do not need to wait for the completion of the impairment claim to submit invoices for S60 expenses.

Reimbursement of independent medico-legal reports

In accordance with the Impairment Protocols the reasonable cost of medico-legal reports not obtained on a joint basis will be reimbursed when:

  • The report was served on the TAC prior to the final determination
  • The report is considered reasonable and is considered in an assessment under section 46A of the TAA 1986
  • The client receives an impairment benefit
  • You have submitted a request in writing for reimbursement of the medico-legal report and provided the invoice from the examiner.

Please note, the TAC will not reimburse the cost of a medico-legal report (and supplementary reports) not obtained on a joint basis where the report is a duplication of a JME specialty used in the determination of impairment (e.g. where two orthopaedic reports have been obtained for the same claim and injury).

Time limit for submitting invoices

There is a two year time limit from the date of service to submit your invoices. For more information, please refer to our policy on the Time Limit to Apply for the Payment of Medical and Like Expenses.

Common Law, VCAT, s.93 and recoveries

Additional information is required for Common Law, VCAT, s.93 and recoveries. Please refer to the TAC's letter of instruction for this information.

Protocols costs

Where the Impairment process has reached a conclusion and you are eligible for Protocol costs, the TAC will make an automatic payment of the appropriate amount at the time of the impairment determination.

There is no requirement to submit an invoice or letter to the TAC requesting payment.

If payment has not been received 14 days after the impairment determination, please contact the TAC Coordinator.

Joint medical examinations

The TAC will only accept and process invoices from joint medical examiners. The TAC will not accept invoices for JMEs submitted by the client or their legal representative.

If a legal representative receives an invoice from a joint medical examiner, the legal representative must advise them that they should invoice the TAC. The legal representative should not pay for the invoice if it is an accepted JME.

Escalation of unpaid invoices

Section 60 costs paid during the Impairment process

The TAC will endeavour to pay invoices within 28 days of receipt. If you haven’t received payment after 40 days, please email

In your email please detail the nature of your escalation and attach copies of the relevant invoice. We will respond to your query within 5 working days.

Independent medico-legal reports obtained in the Impairment process

If you have any queries specific to the payment of independent medico-legal reports (not jointly arranged), you can contact the TAC Coordinator you have been liaising with directly.

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