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Please note: We are not currently accepting applications for our panel of medical examiners and assessors. When a position opens we will post the details on our website. If you have any questions, please contact

Independent Impairment Assessors (IIAs) are medical practitioners specially trained to conduct impairment assessments. These assessments are required for a person injured in a transport accident, who has made a claim for impairment benefits as a result of sustaining a permanent impairment.

IIAs play a critical role in ensuring the TAC provides timely and equitable lump sum benefits to a person injured in a transport accident. These professionals belong to the following health and medical professions:

  • medical practitioner
  • psychologist
  • dentist
  • occupational therapist
  • optometrist
  • physiotherapist
  • chiropractor
  • osteopath
  • podiatrist

Applicants need to demonstrate a minimum of five years clinical experience and a minimum of eight hours each week direct clinical care experience, either currently or over a 12-month period within the past three years, or if retired, evidence of currency of clinical knowledge through ongoing academic studies.

Becoming an Independent Impairment Assessor

All IIA's must undergo specific training.  Training is delivered by an accredited training provider approved by the Minister for the TAC. The course offers:

  • Administrative information on the assessment of impairment
  • Theory and practice of assessing impairment

For further information about the training course, visit the Personal Injury Education Foundation (PIEF) website or email

Providing services to the TAC

Upon the successful completion of the impairment assessment training course, you can request to provide services by directly contacting us.


The TAC can pay the reasonable costs of impairment assessment service as detailed in the below fee schedules:


Further information

If you any questions regarding your role as an IIA or on how to provide services to the TAC, please contact us.

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