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Please note: The TAC is currently tendering for a Medico-Legal intermediary panel. The details can be found on the Buying for Victoria website.

A Q&A document has been provided and will be updated periodically over the active tender period. Any questions about future medical examinations services should be directed to

Independent Medical Examiners (IMEs) are health professionals approved by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) to conduct independent medical examinations. The findings of these examinations are outlined in a report that is used to make decisions about a TAC client’s claim.

IMEs play a critical role in ensuring the TAC provides the right treatment and benefits to injured Victorians. These professionals belong to the following health and medical professions:

  • medical practitioner
  • psychologist
  • dentist
  • occupational therapist
  • optometrist
  • physiotherapist
  • chiropractor
  • osteopath
  • podiatrist

Applicants need to demonstrate a minimum of five years clinical experience and a minimum of eight hours each week direct clinical care experience, either currently or over a 12-month period within the past three years, or if retired, evidence of currency of clinical knowledge through ongoing academic studies.

Policies that relate to you



How to invoice the TAC

When invoicing for services provided to a TAC client, see our invoice requirements at How to invoice the TAC.

Additional information is required for common law, VCAT, s.93 and recoveries. Please refer to the TAC's letter of instruction for this information.

Forms and brochures

Refer to our range of forms and brochures when treating your clients.

Medical examinations for TAC clients Summary: 

This information sheet explains what to expect at TAC medical examinations that clients claiming support services are required to attend. You will also find details of what you need to bring and reimbursements (e.g. for travel or work absence related to your examination appointment) that you may be eligible to claim.


Joint Medical Examinations

Joint Medical Examinations are independent medical examinations requested jointly by the TAC and a client’s solicitor. Please see the page Joint Medical Examination Process for details.

Personal safety and security

The TAC can arrange for security (with the costs covered by the TAC). Should you wish for security to be in attendance at your examination, please contact the referring Case Manager to arrange. Should you have any general enquiries about personal safety and security, please contact the Health Services Lead directly on 0466 480 686.

Keeping your details up to date

Your details are important to us. Should they change, please contact to update.

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