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The Joint Medical Examination (JME) process commenced as part of the legislative amendments to the Transport Accident Act 1986 in November 2013. It was introduced to improve client experience by reducing the number of medical examinations clients need to attend.

We are no longer liable to reimburse a solicitor for a medico-legal report obtained for a TAC matter under Section 60(2F), unless it is requested jointly by the TAC and the person who is injured. The TAC will continue to pay reasonable medical costs to medical examiners for conducting TAC only examinations.

This is where you will find all reference material to the JME process. Included is the JME Guidelines, what you will need and what you need to do within the timeframes listed.

What is the process?

The JME Guidelines contain all the necessary steps and timelines in the JME process.

JME Assessment criteria

The TAC will consider whether a request for JME can be approved based on the following JME Assessment Criteria

JME Documentation Guide – Impairments

This Documentation Guide has been developed to enhance the relevance and timeliness of medical material sent to examiners. It provides guidance to TAC staff and personal injury lawyers about the relevant and essential medical material across disciplines.

Billing process for Joint Medical Examinations

If you receive notification from the TAC that the examination you are conducting is jointly requested, you should bill the TAC for the examination.

If you do not receive any information notifying you that the examination is jointly requested, you should bill the party who initiated the examination.

Fees for Joint Medical Examinations

Fees associated with Joint Medical Examinations can be found in  the Joint Medical Examination and Reports fee schedule.

JME queries or feedback

Please direct any queries or feedback about the Joint Medical Examination process to

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