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Have you received a message on your TAC remittance advice that says ‘Payment error. Please call 1300 654 329 or visit’?

The following scenarios may help you understand the reason for the error and what to do next.

Note: this remittance advice is not a decision about entitlement to TAC funded treatment or services.


What you need to do:

If you are a provider

If you are a client

If you have already sent us a request or a treatment plan and are waiting for a TAC decision on the treatment or service.

Please contact us for a status update.

Call 1300 654 329 or email with the claim number in the subject line.

Please reference one claim number per email query.

Please contact us for a status update.
If you already have TAC approval for this treatment or service, and your remittance has shown $0.00 payment amount.

Please contact us for assistance.

Call 1300 654 329 or email your original PDF invoice to with the claim number in the subject line.

Please reference one claim number per email query.

Please contact us for assistance.

If the treatment or service is not on our list of approved services for new TAC clients (approved within first 90 days of an accident)

You will need to submit a request in writing for us to consider funding this treatment or service.

Please include details of how this treatment or service directly relates to your patient’s accident injury.

Find out more about how to seek TAC approval.

Find out how to get paid.

Please contact us to talk about your needs.

We may also ask your providers for information to help us understand more about your injuries and the treatment and support you need.

If it has been more than 90 days since the client’s transport accident and we have not approved further treatment or services beyond the first 90 days.

You will need to submit a treatment plan or request in writing. We need this information to make a decision about funding treatment or services after the first 90 days.

Find out more about how to seek TAC approval.

Find out how to get paid.

Please contact us to request further treatment or services.

We may also ask your providers for information or a treatment plan. We need this information to understand more about your current condition and make a decision about any further treatment approvals.

If the agreed approval for this treatment or service has ended.

You will need to submit a treatment plan or request in writing. We need this information to make a decision about funding further treatment or services beyond the agreed approval period.

Find out more about how to seek TAC approval.

Find out how to get paid.

Please ask your treating provider to submit a treatment plan or request to the TAC for consideration.

We need this information to understand more about your current condition and make a decision about any further treatment approvals.

If it has been more than 6 months since the client has received any TAC support.

Please ask the client to contact us to discuss their needs.

We need to understand more about their condition and what has changed since their last treatment.

We may also ask you for more information before we decide to pay for more treatment.

Find out how to get paid.

Note: if you haven’t seen a client for 6 months or more, we recommend you ask them for a copy of their current approval

Please contact us to talk about your needs.

We need to understand more about your condition and what has changed since your last treatment.

We may also ask your provider for information before we decide to pay for more treatment.

If you are still unsure about what you need to do, please contact the TAC on 1300 654 329.

How to get paid for this service

Please do not resubmit your invoice until the TAC has approved the treatment or service, as it will continue to be declined.

If we ask you for further information, your options to receive payment are:

Option 1 (providers only)

You may choose to charge the client directly for treatment or services until we receive the information we need and make a decision.

Our client can seek reimbursement from the TAC if:

  • we receive the information we need, and
  • we approve further treatment or services.

Option 2 (clients and providers)

You may choose to resubmit your invoice/reimbursement once the TAC has:

  • received the information we need, and
  • approved further treatment or services.

In some circumstances, we may be able to process your invoice or reimbursement while we wait for further information to be received and considered.

You will need to speak with a TAC claims advisor to discuss your situation and seek approval for this payment. Please contact the TAC on 1300 654 329.

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