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Quality and safe care for our clients

The TAC takes the quality and safety of services delivered to our clients very seriously.

Our Disability Support Providers are required to complete a robust registration process to ensure they provide a high standard of care to our clients. The registration process outlines the standards we expect from our providers to support a person's human rights, independence and commitment to the principles of zero tolerance to abuse and neglect.

How we monitor care – quality and safeguarding

Our team of Safeguarding Specialists aim to educate and support TAC clients and their families to understand what care they should expect from disability support providers. Safeguarding Specialists subscribe to the National Disability Services and the disability sector Zero Tolerance of Abuse framework.

Safeguarding Specialists are available to discuss concerns about the provision of quality and safe services in a range of settings including residential aged care, private homes, shared supported accommodation and specialist disability accommodation settings or participating in activities in the community while supported by a TAC funded support.

Safeguarding Specialists also oversee the TAC’s IRQS (Independently Reviewed against Quality Standards) registration process, ensuring disability providers meet our compliance criteria and quality standards. They manage serious incident reports, and concerns about attendant care, shared support accommodation and providers. They also provide a key role in educating providers, offering referral pathways and promoting continuous improvement

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