When you email or post an invoice to the TAC, include complete details to get paid promptly and accurately.
Your invoice must have details about the client, about the provider and the service you delivered, including the duration or quantity of service.
Details about your business, including your billing address, email address and ABN.
Your payment details, such as your bank account and BSB.
You can send invoices by email to invoices@tac.vic.gov.au, with the claim number in the subject line.
Your email must contain invoices for only one client, with invoices in PDF format, not Microsoft Excel or Word. And no links to accounting programs like MYOB.
For a complete list of our invoicing requirements, visit tac.vic.gov.au/invoices
Your invoicing options
You can invoice us using one of three methods:
1. HICAPS Digital Claims
Eligible providers can use HICAPS Digital Claims (previously called LanternPay) to submit online invoices, view payment decisions immediately and receive payment the next business day. Access more information or register at hicaps.com.au/products/digital-claims
2. Email
Submit your invoice as a PDF attachment to invoices@tac.vic.gov.au
Your email must contain:
- invoices for only one client
- the client's claim number in your subject line
- invoices in PDF format (not Microsoft Excel or Word)
- no links to accounting programs (e.g. MYOB)
3. Post
Send an original copy of your invoice to:
Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
GPO Box 2751
Receiving your payment
We pay via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). To enable this, please complete the relevant form:
- Provider registration form to register as a TAC provider and give us your bank account information
- Update bank details form to change your bank account information with us
All TAC remittances are online. If you invoice by email or post, you must be registered with Westpac PaymentsPlus to access your TAC remittances. More information is available on our Getting paid page.
Invoice requirements
If you invoice us via email or post, submit a valid tax invoice with all of the details below to get paid promptly and accurately. If details are missing, we may not be able to pay you, or your payment may be delayed.
A separate invoice is needed for each client – multiple clients cannot appear on the same invoice. If you include multiple providers on one invoice, clearly list the services delivered by each provider.
1. Your business details
- Billing address
- Service location (if different to billing address)
- Email address
2. Client details
- Client TAC claim number
- Client name
- Client date of birth
- Client address
- Client date of accident (if claim number is unknown)
3. Provider details
- Provider name
- Provider type
- Provider Medicare stem (if applicable)
4. Service details
- TAC or MBS item number
- Date of service
- Description of service (as per the TAC fee schedule)
- Duration of service (in hours) or quantity of service
- Fee
- Total amount of invoice
- Purchase order number (where supplied by the TAC)
5. Your bank account details
- Account name
- Account number
- Bank name
Additional requirements for specific professions
All medical practitioners
- Name and provider number of the medical practitioner who performed the service (if different from the provider claiming for the service)
- Indication if the procedure was provided for an 'admitted patient' or was performed 'in rooms'
- MBS item number and description of each service (AMA item numbers cannot be accepted)
Medical specialists
- Name of referring medical practitioner and either their provider number or practice details (except in trauma/emergency)
For invoices not submitted through HICAPS Digital Claims, we require the following details before we can pay your invoice:
- Date dispensed
- PBS item number, where available
- Item description, for non-PBS items
- Quantity of medication dispensed
- Medication strength, where applicable
- Amount charged per item
- Dispensary computer generated tax invoice/tax receipt
- For hospital patients, whether the medication is for outpatient or discharge
If you provide tax invoice statement (instead of a full tax invoice) this must include the script number and item number.
- For any surgical procedures provided in a public or private hospital operating theatre, the principal surgeon is required to provide the hospital operation report generated at the time of the surgical procedure with their invoice.
- Location of service.
- Side, site or structure of procedure.
- When injuries are associated with a compound (open) wound, the medical practitioner must state on their invoice 'Open' or 'Compound' next to the procedure item number.
- Consultations provided in the aftercare period following surgery must indicate 'not normal aftercare' and provide an explanation as defined by the MBS.
Assistant surgeons
- Identification of the principal surgeon
- Identification of the 'assist' as defined by the MBS
Legal professionals
Please see our Invoicing guidelines for legal costs.
Time limit for submitting invoices
We can fund the reasonable cost of medical and like expenses incurred in relation to a transport accident when the "application for payment" is made within:
- 3 years of the date of the client's date of accident, or
- 2 years of the date of incurring the expense in any other case.
Please refer to our policy for more information.
If you need help
Please call 1300 654 329 and a member of our Customer Service Team can help you with any questions.