Collaboration and support for the Clinical Framework


June 2012    

The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and WorkSafe Victoria (WorkSafe) are pleased to present the Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services.

The Clinical Framework signifies the work of the Health Service Group (HSG), a collaboration between the TAC and WorkSafe, which builds on the strengths of each organisation to support healthcare professionals deliver the right care at the right time to individuals with a compensable injury.

The Clinical Framework outlines a set of guiding principles for the delivery of health services. These principles are intended to support healthcare professionals in their treatment of an injury through:

  • Measurement and demonstration of the effectiveness of treatment
  • Adoption of a biopsychosocial approach
  • Empowering the injured person to manage their injury
  • Implementing goals focused on optimising function, participation and return to work
  • Base treatment on best available research evidence

In 2011, a review of the Clinical Framework was carried out to ensure the five guiding principles were in line with best practice and could be applied across a range of injury types.

As part of the review process, consultation was undertaken with clinical, academic and inter-jurisdictional representatives ensuring a common framework for the delivery of health services while clarifying expectations when treating an individual with a compensable injury.

This revised version of the Clinical Framework reflects the most contemporary approach to treatment and incorporates recent developments in evidence based practice and use of objective outcome measurement in clinical practice.

I would like to thank and acknowledge the members of the Inter-Jurisdictional and Clinical Framework Advisory Committees involved in the review process.

On behalf of the TAC and WorkSafe we look forward to working with you in delivering the principles of the Clinical Framework.

Clare Amies
Health Services Group
Transport Accident Commission and WorkSafe Victoria

The Clinical Framework is presented by

The Clinical Framework is supported by

States and territories



New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia


Western Australia

Peak bodies and associations

Publication information

WorkSafe Victoria is a trading name of the Victorian WorkCover Authority.

The information presented in the Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services is intended for general use only. It should not be viewed as a definitive guide to the law, and should be read in conjunction with the Transport Accident Act 1986 (Transport Accident Commission) and the Accident Compensation Act 1985 (WorkSafe Victoria).

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the Clinical Framework, the advice contained herein may not apply in every circumstance. Accordingly, the TAC and WorkSafe Victoria cannot be held responsible, and extends no warranties as to:

  • the suitability of the information for any particular purpose; and
  • actions taken by third parties as a result of information contained in the Clinical Framework for the Delivery of Health Services

This publication is protected by copyright. The TAC and WorkSafe Victoria encourages the free transfer, copying and printing of this publication if such activities support the purposes and intent for which the publication was developed.

This publication is current as at June 2012 and replaces and supersedes all previous versions of this publication.

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