Value-based healthcare

Supporting our clients to achieve the best health outcomes possible is at the core of everything we do.

That is why we are moving to develop a value-based healthcare approach that delivers better outcomes, experience and value for all stakeholders.

Working in partnership with our clients and providers on our value-based healthcare journey, we will identify clear and consistent outcome measures and reporting methods. This clarity will improve the experiences of our clients and providers, and allow us to support the most effective care for the Victorian community.

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Value-based healthcare at the TAC

At the TAC, supporting our clients in achieving the best health outcomes possible is at the core of everything we do.

That's why we are moving to develop a value-based healthcare approach to the delivery of TAC services.

Value-based healthcare gives patients more say in their treatment options to ensure they're getting the right support so they can identify and achieve the goals that matter most to them.

Providers work closely together in integrated multidisciplinary teams with the patient at the centre.

When providers focus on outcomes and collaboration, this approach ultimately delivers care more effectively and efficiently.

On our path to value-based healthcare, we will work in partnership with our clients and providers.

Together, we'll define clear, consistent outcome measures and reporting methods.

We'll co-design care pathways that drive quality service delivery and the best possible experiences and outcomes in an efficient way.

And a series of pilots will enable us to test and learn our approach as we go.

Finally, we'll scale up to a value-based healthcare service delivery model as the healthcare system evolves in this direction.

This will improve the experiences of our clients and providers and allow us to support the most effective care for the Victorian community.

Learn more at

At the TAC, supporting our clients in achieving the best health outcomes possible is at the core of everything we do.

That's why we are moving to develop a value-based healthcare approach to the delivery of TAC services.

Value-based healthcare gives patients more say in their treatment options to ensure they're getting the right support so they can identify and achieve the goals that matter most to them.

Providers work closely together in integrated multidisciplinary teams with the patient at the centre.

When providers focus on outcomes and collaboration, this approach ultimately delivers care more effectively and efficiently.

On our path to value-based healthcare, we will work in partnership with our clients and providers.

Together, we'll define clear, consistent outcome measures and reporting methods.

We'll co-design care pathways that drive quality service delivery and the best possible experiences and outcomes in an efficient way.

And a series of pilots will enable us to test and learn our approach as we go.

Finally, we'll scale up to a value-based healthcare service delivery model as the healthcare system evolves in this direction.

This will improve the experiences of our clients and providers and allow us to support the most effective care for the Victorian community.

Learn more at

About value-based healthcare

Value-based healthcare is a patient-centric approach that seeks to support the delivery of health outcomes at a sustainable cost.

This approach aims to improve:

  1. The outcomes that matter to the patient
  2. The patient’s experience of care
  3. The provider’s experience of care
  4. The effectiveness and efficiency of care

Value-based healthcare gives patients more say in their treatment options and empowers them to identify and achieve the goals that matter most to them.

Providers communicate and work closely together in multidisciplinary teams, with the patient at the centre. Patients who have related circumstances and needs are identified. The provider team then designs and delivers solutions to those needs. They measure the health outcomes and costs for each patient and use that information to drive ongoing improvements.

As a result, the patient achieves the desired outcomes and has a better experience of care. This translates into a better experience for the provider as well – with higher levels of job fulfilment stemming from better-informed and more-satisfied patients.

With this focus on outcomes, collaboration and data sharing, a value-based healthcare approach ultimately delivers care more effectively and efficiently, with greater value for cost.

Our vision for value-based healthcare

Our approach to value-based healthcare at the TAC will deliver:

For clients:

  • Improved satisfaction and experience of receiving care
  • Improved outcomes that matter to clients
  • Empowered to be active participants in their care

For providers:

  • Increased job satisfaction and experience of providing care
  • Increased efficiency and reduced wastage

For the TAC:

  • Ensuring clients get their lives back on track through improved outcomes
  • Increased transparency about the value of services we pay for

For the community:

  • Enhanced population health outcomes
  • Reduced overall burden of poor health and wellbeing

Our path to value-based healthcare

We will work in partnership with our clients and providers to incorporate value-based healthcare in a gradual, measured way:

Initiatives to deliver value-based healthcare

We are in the early stages of our transition to a value-based healthcare approach. Our work so far has included:

  • Introducing value-based healthcare as one of the four strategic directions of our TAC 2025 Strategy.
  • Launching an Enhanced Recovery Program that uses a digital health platform to collect information about a TAC client's health outcomes and experiences. This informs their physiotherapist's clinical decisions and assists them to deliver relevant communication and educational materials to TAC clients.
  • Developing a Vocational Rehabilitation Pilot to improve return-to-work outcomes for our clients and explore a new approach to collaboration between vocational service providers and the TAC.
  • Introducing an Injury Support Program to provide eligible clients with proactive, evidence-based injury management care coordination.
  • Giving eligible clients access to Active Recovery Clinics, an exercise-based rehabilitation program that delivers 12 weeks of support from an interdisciplinary team.
  • Creating a Value-based Healthcare Innovation Grant Program to encourage providers to make shifts towards value-based care. Grants have been awarded to providers putting value-based healthcare into practice through innovative projects that support people with transport accident injuries.
  • Consulting with thought-leading organisations such as the Value Institute for Health and Care and the Australian Centre for Value-Based Health Care.
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The TAC’s approach to value-based healthcare

Value-based healthcare is so important. It’s an operating philosophy. It’s a theoretical framework of how do you adopt client experience, client outcomes, provider experience and cost of what you’re buying, into everything that you do in your organisation.

It’s being clear on what you’re buying and whether or not that is actually delivering you an outcome. So it’s not paying less for a service. It’s making sure that what you’re buying is efficient and effective.

It’s not about the money. It’s about how is the system structured to deliver the outcomes that matter to our clients and to the community.

So what we want our clients to achieve is really feel like their needs are being heard and addressed. I see clients get better healthcare outcomes so that our clients can get back to work, back to life and participate in the community in ways that they feel fulfilled in their lives.

Value-based healthcare is so important. It’s an operating philosophy. It’s a theoretical framework of how do you adopt client experience, client outcomes, provider experience and cost of what you’re buying, into everything that you do in your organisation.

It’s being clear on what you’re buying and whether or not that is actually delivering you an outcome. So it’s not paying less for a service. It’s making sure that what you’re buying is efficient and effective.

It’s not about the money. It’s about how is the system structured to deliver the outcomes that matter to our clients and to the community.

So what we want our clients to achieve is really feel like their needs are being heard and addressed. I see clients get better healthcare outcomes so that our clients can get back to work, back to life and participate in the community in ways that they feel fulfilled in their lives.

For more information

The TAC has a dedicated team to advance our work towards value-based healthcare. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please email them at

For any value-based healthcare procurement- or tender-related queries, please email the Procurement team at

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