The TAC Pause Stop initiative aims to reduce driver fatigue on long journeys by encouraging road users to plan ahead, pull over, and recharge.

There are more than 60 places to pause from the road across Victoria during key holiday periods.  Use the interactive map below to find a Pause Stop and plan your journey now.

A pause from the road might save your life.

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The TAC Pause Stop initiative aims to reduce driver fatigue on long journeys by encouraging road users to plan ahead, pull over, and recharge.

There are more than 60 places to pause from the road across Victoria during key holiday periods.  Use the interactive map below to find a Pause Stop and plan your journey now.

A pause from the road might save your life.

Find a pause stop

How to avoid tired driving

  • Plan a pause from the road every two hours
  • Get enough sleep before driving
  • Avoid driving late at night
  • Don't travel for more than 8 - 10 hours a day
  • Share the driving wherever possible
  • Don't drink alcohol before your trip
  • Take a 15-minute powernap if you feel drowsy
  • Grab a coffee to recharge

Find out more about driver fatigue and drowsy driving here on the TAC website.

How to avoid tired driving

  • Plan a pause from the road every two hours
  • Get enough sleep before driving
  • Avoid driving late at night
  • Don't travel for more than 8 - 10 hours a day
  • Share the driving wherever possible
  • Don't drink alcohol before your trip
  • Take a 15-minute powernap if you feel drowsy
  • Grab a coffee to recharge

Find out more about driver fatigue and drowsy driving here on the TAC website.

Signs of drowsy driving

  • Yawning or heavy eyes
  • Daydreaming or forgetting the last few kilometres
  • Drifting from your lane, tailgating or hitting a shoulder rumble strip
  • Difficulty maintaining a consistent, correct speed
  • Not realising traffic lights have changed to green
  • A slower reaction time when braking or stopping at intersections

Signs of drowsy driving

  • Yawning or heavy eyes
  • Daydreaming or forgetting the last few kilometres
  • Drifting from your lane, tailgating or hitting a shoulder rumble strip
  • Difficulty maintaining a consistent, correct speed
  • Not realising traffic lights have changed to green
  • A slower reaction time when braking or stopping at intersections

Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) Partnership

With the Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC), the TAC is operating Pause Stop sites at 62 accredited Visitor Information Centres across Victoria during high-risk holiday periods, and at regional events.

Pause Stop information is available in 15 select locations for travellers who wish to take a break on their journey.

VTIC, the peak body and leading advocate for Victoria’s tourism and events industry, reaches over 1000 tourism members across Victoria, with the Pause Stop fatigue messaging.

Visit the VTIC website to learn more about visitor services.

Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) Partnership

With the Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC), the TAC is operating Pause Stop sites at 62 accredited Visitor Information Centres across Victoria during high-risk holiday periods, and at regional events.

Pause Stop information is available in 15 select locations for travellers who wish to take a break on their journey.

VTIC, the peak body and leading advocate for Victoria’s tourism and events industry, reaches over 1000 tourism members across Victoria, with the Pause Stop fatigue messaging.

Visit the VTIC website to learn more about visitor services.

Driver Reviver Program

The TAC is working in partnership with Victoria State Emergency Services (VICSES) to support the Driver Reviver program to operate pop-up Pause Stop sites in select locations across Victoria over key, high-risk holiday periods.

The volunteer-run program encourages travellers to take regular breaks from the road, offering complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits at 48 sites across Victoria. We proudly work together towards a shared objective of promoting road safety and fatigue prevention.

Visit the Victoria State Emergency Service website to learn more.

Driver Reviver Program

The TAC is working in partnership with Victoria State Emergency Services (VICSES) to support the Driver Reviver program to operate pop-up Pause Stop sites in select locations across Victoria over key, high-risk holiday periods.

The volunteer-run program encourages travellers to take regular breaks from the road, offering complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits at 48 sites across Victoria. We proudly work together towards a shared objective of promoting road safety and fatigue prevention.

Visit the Victoria State Emergency Service website to learn more.

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