If you’re a content creator, budding creative or film maker, we want to hear your ideas that can connect with your mates/friends/family to promote road safety and educate others on driving while tired.

Come up with an idea about the problem with Driving Tired

When you or your friends drive tired, it slows reaction time and impairs judgement, especially at night. Many young drivers don’t realise how dangerous tired driving is until they experience it for themselves or have close calls.

Driving tired contributes to 16-20% of fatal crashes in Victoria each year, with young drivers (aged 18-25) most as risk. Those driving on less than five hours of sleep may experience a four times higher risk of crashing.

Educating young drivers like you on how to recognize warning signs (such as blurred vision or eyes losing focus) and getting them to think about their fatigue levels before getting behind the wheel is crucial.

Your task

Submit a creative idea for a 45-second film/advertisement to get your friends thinking and talking about the dangers of driving when they’re tired. Your submission can be a written description (script, storyboard or synopsis) outlining the narrative, or you can upload a video that describes your idea.

Go for it and be creative! But remember, the goal is to educate people while also entertaining them. Get inspiration for your idea and more of a background about the problems with driving while you’re tired.