When a family member dies

The TAC is here to help you at this difficult time.

We can provide financial support to help cover funeral costs, counselling services, and support for dependents. The amount of support available will depend on your family's circumstances.

Accessing TAC support

To access support from the TAC, you will need to complete a Funeral and Dependency Benefits Claim Form.

This form collects important details about your loved one and the accident. We use this information to understand your situation and determine the ways we can support you.

Our Family Benefits team is available to help you complete the claim form and answer any questions you may have.

You can contact the TAC Family Benefits team on 03 5225 6200 or email familybenefits@tac.vic.gov.au

TAC support and benefits

The following information outlines the types of benefits that may apply to assist you at this difficult time. The benefits will depend on your family's circumstances.

Note: Amounts listed on this page are for deaths on or after 1 July 2024. For benefit amounts prior to this date, please email familybenefits@tac.vic.gov.au.

Funeral and monument expenses support

We can pay the reasonable costs for a funeral and monument in Australia, up to $18,860 (including GST).

Travel and accommodation expenses for funeral services

We can reimburse up to $6,290 (including GST) for reasonable travel and accommodation expenses within Australia for immediate family members attending the funeral, burial, or cremation. To be eligible, the service needs to be held in Australia and the immediate family member must live more than 100kms from where the service is held.

To make a claim, please complete the  Travel and accommodation expenses form.

To learn more about this benefit, please speak to our Family Benefits team.

Family counselling support

We can pay up to $20,020 (including GST) in family counselling support provided by a doctor, registered psychologist, or qualified social worker.

This support can be provided to a spouse, dependent partner, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother or sister of the person who died.

If the loss has resulted in mental injury to you or a family member, you may also be eligible to make a separate TAC claim. Please contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 654 329 to discuss this option, or you can lodge a claim online.

Dependent spouse or partner support

If your spouse or domestic partner was contributing to your family’s income or caring for children, we can provide financial support.

A ‘domestic partner’ is defined as a person to whom the person is not married but with whom the person is living as a couple on a genuine domestic basis (irrespective of gender).

Lump sum payment

We can pay a one‑off lump sum benefit of up to $224,370.

This amount depends on the age, family circumstances and any previous impairment payments of the person who died. If you’re a dependent spouse or partner, you may also receive a fortnightly benefit and/or contribution to support services at home

Ongoing regular payments

If your spouse or domestic partner was employed and providing financial support, we can pay an ongoing, regular payment equal to 80% of their earnings, up to a maximum of $1,620 gross per week.

You may be eligible for this benefit even if you were working at the time of the accident.

Childcare and household support

If your spouse or domestic partner was caring for children or responsible for housework, we can contribute to the cost of employing a person to help with childcare and household tasks.

There are limits to how much we can pay, how many hours per week and for how long. If your spouse or domestic partner was also in paid employment, please speak with our Family Benefits team to find out which benefits apply.

Dependent children support

These benefits don’t apply if the child’s surviving parent is eligible for a benefit as a dependent spouse or domestic partner first.

A dependent child is defined as being under 18 years, or aged 18 to 25 years if they are a full‑time student or apprentice. It does not include a child who has a spouse or partner.

If both parents, a sole parent, or a supporting parent died in the accident, payments can be made for their dependent children.

If a child has both parents die in the same transport accident, the child will receive the payments for each parent who died in the accident. These include:

Lump sum payment

We can pay a one‑off lump sum payment to the dependent children of up to $224,370.

This amount will depend on the person who died and their family circumstances. The State Trustees will hold this money until the child is 18.

If there is more than one dependent child, this lump sum will be divided equally between the dependent children.

Fortnightly payment

We can pay the guardian $228 gross each week for each dependent child under 18 years of age. This is paid as a fortnightly payment.

Education allowance

We can pay up to $3,570 per year to the guardian for each full‑time student up to 18 years of age. This is paid as an annual payment.

Your responsibilities

The TAC is committed to being a child safe organisation, prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children and young people across TAC services and programs.

If a child is under 18 years of age and eligible for dependency payments, the benefits will be paid to the most appropriate person who has day‑to‑day care of the child. This person is known as the ‘responsible person’.

If the ‘responsible person’ stops having day‑to‑care of the child, they must notify the TAC. If another person starts to have day‑to‑day care of the child, they must also notify the TAC.

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